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The price of losing an election if you’re not Conservative – you’re fired!

A volunteer Liberal who lost to Julian Fantino has been fired after the election. Ever see Boardwalk Empire?  This the living embodiment of that era in 2010 Canada. We have no opposition. No press. We are adrift in a sea of prohibition era gangsters called politicians. These days you can fired just for not going along with the sinking of the ship.

The Liberal who lost to Conservative Julian Fantino in the Vaughan federal by-election says he was fired from his position as chair of the regional hospital board as political payback.

“This is a real kick in the teeth,” Tony Genco told the Star of his firing from the volunteer position early Monday. “It’s bizarre to me, but they’ve decided I’ve become a political liability. I feel humiliated.”

The board of York Central Hospital is working to expand health service in the area with a new hospital in Vaughan. Fantino embraced the issue during the campaign, making the fight for federal infrastructure dollars for the hospital a central plank in his platform.

Genco says he believes the board wants him out to facilitate relations over the new hospital with Fantino and the Conservative government. Genco lost by about 1,000 votes in the Nov. 29 vote, after a rough and often personal campaign.

The board is “doing what the Tories want them to do,” he said, “which is to get rid of me . . . Now I’ve lost twice. This isn’t how things should be done — this is not a Third World country.”

I love how the ‘acting chair’ (I couldn’t imagine a better descriptor for this asshole) Dina Palozzi says it’s just a coincidence that Genco was fired. You lose an election one day to a Con and the next day you’re fired and that’s a coincidence?

H/T: Susan Delacourt

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1 comment to The price of losing an election if you’re not Conservative – you’re fired!

  • ck

    Holy Crap! Yanno, I’m going to try to put a positive spin on this…Genco was too good for his volunteer position on Hospital board of directors. I’m serious.

    It does lead me to wonder, however, would the hospital board have still fired Genco had he won the by-election in Vaughan?

    Furthermore, the board are a bunch of fools to actually believe that Fantino can deliver on his promise, given that the construction and/or renovation of hospitals are provincial jurisdiction. It will now be up to the McGuinty government.

    I don’t like the idea of seeing anyone suffer from lack of health care, but on the other hand, it would serve ‘em all right. A taste, if you will, if Harper gets his majority–that there would only be wealth care for billionaires after he scraps the Canada Health Act and ends the health care transfers to the provinces.

    However, this is chilling, this is further evidence of the beginnings of the Harpercon totalitarian regime.


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