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Master Steve Takes On Social Media–Because It’s Not Enough To Just (Most Outlets, Anyway) Control Corporate Media

I wish I was kidding, boys ‘n’ girls, but, I’m not.

Apparently, this is an effort to ‘correct misinformation’. (Most likely) Translation: Stevie doesn’t like  the fact that he has so many critics floating around social media sites and blogs, so he feels a pathological need to scrap real information, since, for the most part, the truth doesn’t paint Stevie in a flattering light;  in favour of only misinformation, which of course, Stevie, as most tea-baggy far-right wingnuts,  thrives on.

I wonder if and when he gets his coveted majority, will he have Rob Nicholson make slamming Stevie and the Harpercons punishable by law? I mean, a crime that would warrant being sent to one of Stevie’s big-assed prisons?

The idea isn’t so far fetched, given how peaceful protesters and even by-standers as well as media people were arrested at the fateful Toronto G20; the largest mass arrest in Canadian history; all charged for daring to criticize the Harpercons.

Do watch the video below.

Who knows? I may get a nasty email from one of those Harpercon brats.

Sweet dreams!

H/T Politeching



2 comments to Master Steve Takes On Social Media–Because It’s Not Enough To Just (Most Outlets, Anyway) Control Corporate Media

  • Kim

    I believe this has been going on for awhile. In and out, so to speak…in the BC Rail Trial that never really happened, it came out as neo-con policy to pepper letters to the editor, talk shows and even stage lame rallies as free advertising. The print and television news here are the worst in the western world for blatantly propangandising extreme right wing idealism.

  • Hey CK:

    You might want to give the comments on this a read …

    (And maybe later we can leave a flaming bad of dogshit on Peggy Wente’s doorstep, ring the doorbell and run away!)