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Time for another Slutwalk, this time in Brooklyn

In Saudi Arabia, the religious police regularly patrol the country for citizens who may be flaunting the Kingdom’s version of Islam, especially when it pertains to women exposing too much flesh.

Think this kind of thing only happens in the in the medieval backwoods of Riyadh? Think again. In Brooklyn’s Park Slope neighborhood, it’s considered dangerous after dark  to wear short shorts and dresses that expose skin. It’s better to wear pants.

Police officers in Brooklyn’s Park Slope neighborhood, where several sexual attacks have occurred in recent months, are amping up their nighttime presence and offering a more unusual form of protection: wardrobe advice.

According to the Wall Street Journal, one 25-year-old woman was stopped with two other women recently. The 25-year old was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, while the other two women wore dresses.

“He pointed at my outfit and said, ‘Don’t you think your shorts are a little short?’” the woman said. “He pointed at their dresses and said they were showing a lot of skin.”

Their clothing, the officer said, would provide “easy access” for the at-large attackers.

“You’re exactly the kind of girl this guy is targeting,” she recalled the officer telling her.

However, the New York City Police Department said that officers were there for protection, not sartorial advice.

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