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Shorter Harpercons: Yeah, We’re Behind Those Pesky Phone Calls, Spreading Irwin Cotler Resigning Rumours, So What?

It’s  not like it hasn’t been done since 1999, they say. Let’s see how some of them justify these latest actions, shall we?

“Every political party in the House identifies its voters in one way or another,” Conservative MP John Williamson said. “This is an important part of the political process.”

Hmm, perhaps, but I’ve never heard of them doing it in quite this manner before, I mean, coming out, and implying there will be an impending by-election?

Irwin Cotler, as we remember, did request young Andy Scheer, the speaker of the house to investigate the matter.  Porky Petey Van Loan does not like this in the least, crying out “Free speech!!”

“To say that one cannot speculate on his future,” he said, “that that form of freedom of speech should forever be suppressed, is to me an overreach that is far too great.”

Really rich, Porky Petey, given that your own boss is stifling dissent to the point of making it illegal, no matter how true it may be, yet you people cry free speech when your lies are exposed.

Now, I have to wonder, will all of those Jewish voters of Hampstead and Cote-St-Luc who went in droves to mark their ballots for Saulie Zajdel, and by extension, for Stevie Spiteful, because of some twisted sense of duty because of his  ‘undying’ support for  Israel over Canada, will they still vote Harpercon in the next election, come 2015? Or will they vote anyone but for their twisted shananigans?

H/T Dr Dawg


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