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Cons winning a majority is like a junkie winning the lottery

Today’s spending spree? $1.1 billion for armoured vehicles.

What, Iran’s going to invade us?

Or, 555 vehicles to bust kids for smoking dope?

Tough on crime? Cons: gimme another fix quick. Violent crime is way down and it’s making us look bad.

Cross posted: Let Freedom Rain

2 comments to Cons winning a majority is like a junkie winning the lottery

  • Anne Peterson

    In our new found incarnation as a global military super power I image Genaralissimo Harper cruising the world with his military armada looking for someone to fight. Or praying for another poor middle eastern country that needs to be taught to be democratic (how’s it working with Iraq and Afghanistan anyway) Think what all that money would do if spent on feeding people or giving them health care. Or housing them. It would benfit the whole country too and maybe some outside our borders.

  • Gloria

    Harper has all kinds of grandiose plans for himself. He also wants to be the energy giant of the world. He desperately wants that power and glory, a glorious figure on the International scene. Doesn’t everyone know why, funding for environment has been slashed…Or why scientists are not permitted to publish their results?? He wants no scientific results of the toxicity of the tar sands, getting out to other country’s. If Harper has to pollute the entire planet to achieve his selfish goals, so be it.

    We had better pray, Harper doesn’t piss off a country enough to attack Canada. Perhaps his strutting attitude towards Russia, over the far north territory will do it. Canada is a huge, vast distances country, impossible to protect. All of Harper’s ships, jets and military, will never be enough.

    There will be wars over, food and clean drinking water. At the rate BC is poisoning our clean water, and destroying our valuable farmland, perhaps war won’t bother with BC. Fracking for gas, uses horrendous amounts of water, and poisons the underground water, for hundred’s of miles. In the U.S. some states can light the water on fire, coming out of their faucets.

    As they say, man is the most destructive animal on earth, and the most stupid animal at that. Animals don’t foul their own nests. However, humans do.