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Can you smell it?
The tide has changed.  There is salt in the air from Neocon tears.
Enbridge is dead in the water.  They have no credibility left.  BP.  Shell.  Exxon Mobile.
Corporate crimes are finally in the open in general.  Banks and the financial sector worldwide.  Wars waged worldwide to fund corporate greed by shadow armies of private security forces.  Genocide.  Organized crime.
People rising up en masse in an unprecedented way.  Tunisia.  Egypt.  Mexico.  Japan.  Wall Street.  Bay Street.  Rue St. Catherine.  Main Street…
The current Provincial and Federal Governments cannot afford to have elections.
They know they will lose.
Slowly, they are being forced to the polls.  Ironically, the corporate media have turned on them.
Thanks to the Military for providing the internet that will make their services redundant.
But, a few battles won, does not win the war.  The push is about to become shove.
The forces of Fascism do not give in without a brutal fight and they have all of the machinery of war.
The rest of us have two weapons.  Maybe three.
Numbers.  Love.  NonCompliance.
Think about it…

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