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See How Austerity Will Really Pay Off Canadians in the Long Run


Step right up, boys ‘n’ girls, see what you’re forced to sacrifice for!

Tell me again how these mega-low corporate tax cuts and austerity for the rest of us is supposed to benefit Canadians in the long run?

H/T deBeauxOs who also wrote some lyrics.  I don’t think they’re white stuffed shirts . . . → Read More: See How Austerity Will Really Pay Off Canadians in the Long Run

That Sinking Feeling?

Now I know many who support the NDP, like myself, get bent out of shape when we see the leader of our national party bailing on this ideals. The fact remains, however, that there is little the NDP could actually do to get these cuts changed. They have been enacted into law, thanks to the Liberals again, and changing that legislation is not something that I think is even politically possible, let alone legislatively possible given the Tory majority in the Senate. So what choices did Jack have, and what has he really done here? . . . → Read More: That Sinking Feeling?