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We Always Knew Stevie Harper Was Anally Retentive

Well, well, well! What do we have here? Stevie locked hisself in the john, AGAIN??

On a trade mission to Brazil this week, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper apparently engaged in some pretty undiplomatic behavior, according to Brazilian newspaper Folha.

On Monday, Brazilian president Dilma Rouseff asked that official speeches and toasts take place . . . → Read More: We Always Knew Stevie Harper Was Anally Retentive

The ‘debt crisis’ and the undermining of democracy in Europe

While CK’s on the road, she’s invited me to blog and cross-post here. So I’m recycling this tasty little item, which I found via @NaomiAKlein. (They say she’s polarizing … )

A sample:

Vast swathes of public policy have already been closed off and rendered inaccessible to conventional democratic processes. Anyone who’s seen . . . → Read More: The ‘debt crisis’ and the undermining of democracy in Europe