Archived posts

No Gays Allowed to Rent Here! This From a Black Realtor


Boys ‘n’ girls, no, this is not from the Excited States of Amerika. This is from Canada. More specifically, from so-called Liberal Toronto.   Surprised? I’m not. Let’s keep in mind that Toronto did overwhelming elect a mayor, who, among other things, is homophobic. I know, the place in question is in Brampton, . . . → Read More: No Gays Allowed to Rent Here! This From a Black Realtor

Uh, Mr. Fatah, it’s not Just Muslim Men Who Have Ridiculously Extremist Views & Something a Socon Harpercon may Just Relish


Then again, given that this insanity is coming from a Muslim, perhaps not so fast.  It would if it were a white Christian with a “not-so-funny” sounding name. Yes, boys ‘n’ girls, remember that cop who lectured to Osgoode Hall students about safety, telling them not to dress so slutty?  The catalyst to the global . . . → Read More: Uh, Mr. Fatah, it’s not Just Muslim Men Who Have Ridiculously Extremist Views & Something a Socon Harpercon may Just Relish

Ontario Should Join Quebec and Go For Secular School System


Well, boys ‘n’ girls, CC over at the tweeter best describes this situation. It is indeed breath taking how those religious wingnuts  who whine about the  so-called indoctrination of impressionable youngsters in universities of “lefty”, evul “soshalist” values,  crying the blues about how social conservatism has no voice there.  Those very same people . . . → Read More: Ontario Should Join Quebec and Go For Secular School System

Bully Away The Gay is A-OK, According To Religious Wingnuts


Religious zealots like the Charles McVetys of this world are getting more certifiable by the day as they pervert religion further.   Well, now some of these zealots have really outdone themselves this time around as they are opposing an anti-bullying bill tabled by the McGuinty government, as they think it’s some weird radical . . . → Read More: Bully Away The Gay is A-OK, According To Religious Wingnuts

Private bus company in Brooklyn orders women to back of bus. It’s God’s way!


Not much to add to this:

The B110 is a bus run by a private bus company that has a contract with the city of New York. It runs from Williamsburg to South Brooklyn and caters mostly to Orthodox Jews. And to hipsters, probably, with their love of retro trends, in Brooklyn! The . . . → Read More: Private bus company in Brooklyn orders women to back of bus. It’s God’s way!

Religion Has No Place in Government Subsidized Day Cares-If Quebec Government Is Striving For Secular Society, It Should Remove Funding From Any And All Religious Institutions


Yes, boys ‘n’ girls, Tea-baggin’ Tommy is on another rant, once again, getting it all wrong, on his show on CJAD this fine morning.  This morning’s topic is how the Quebec government is enforcing a law regarding religion of any kind being taught in government subsidized day cares.  Naturally, dear ol’ Tommy, who . . . → Read More: Religion Has No Place in Government Subsidized Day Cares-If Quebec Government Is Striving For Secular Society, It Should Remove Funding From Any And All Religious Institutions

National Post and free speech


I find it not a little humorous that the National Post is back pedalling furiously over their publishing Charles McVety’s repulsive homophobic ad. Even more humorous is the Post’s high-minded explanation of why it published an ad that should never have been published in the first place.

The most humorous though is how . . . → Read More: National Post and free speech

Montreal police dragging feet on investigating infamous Christianist Twitter troll ‘David Mabus’?


I’ve read the name ‘David Mabus’ a few times on Twitter, mostly in tweets from PZ Myers. Montrealer Mabus (real name: Dennis Marcuze) has made a name for himself by threatening atheists with “decapitations, executions and genocide”.

Montreal police have received over 3,000 requests for investigations of this individual and they are not happy with the number . . . → Read More: Montreal police dragging feet on investigating infamous Christianist Twitter troll ‘David Mabus’?

I Wonder If It Would Be Too Nasty Of Me To…


Go to a church on Sunday, May 22 and ask the priest or minister of said church why he hasn’t been ‘raptured’.

I Thought Stoning People Was Exclusively a Muslim Custom & The NAACP Would Like It If The Gay Community Would Stop ‘Hijacking’ The Civil Rights Movement


It seems that some Christians, taking the bible literally, also practice stoning individuals seen as living their lives contradicting the bible.  A seventy year old man is stoned to death by his 28 year old so-called friend, often seen together at the local grocery store and church,  simply because he believed the older . . . → Read More: I Thought Stoning People Was Exclusively a Muslim Custom & The NAACP Would Like It If The Gay Community Would Stop ‘Hijacking’ The Civil Rights Movement

U.S. Religious Right Won’t Even Allow Elizabeth Edwards’ a Dignified Funeral or Peaceful Grieving For Her Family Members


My Gawd! Of all the tacky things this motley bunch of ignoramouses can do.  They plan to protest Elizabeth Edwards’ funeral.  No, I’m not kidding. Hate until the very end and beyond.

Members of the Westboro Baptist Church, known for its radical stance against a myriad of issues including homosexuality and the war . . . → Read More: U.S. Religious Right Won’t Even Allow Elizabeth Edwards’ a Dignified Funeral or Peaceful Grieving For Her Family Members

What Does The Anniversary of 9/11 Mean Anymore? Seems To Be Not Much More Than a Travesty–Celebration of Hate!


Yeah, yeah! I blaspheme, get over it! Bring the fainting couches in at once, have the smelling salts handy. Yeah, I said it. The anniversary of 9/11 is looking more and more like a travesty to me.   Sick, isn’t it? A day now devoted to paranoia and hate. Not that the U.S. . . . → Read More: What Does The Anniversary of 9/11 Mean Anymore? Seems To Be Not Much More Than a Travesty–Celebration of Hate!

It Would Appear That Jesus Christ Is Who We Would Like Him To Be And How Once Again, The Troops Become Inconveeenient


How Conveeenient!!  Dana Carvey’s the Churchlady would say on Saturday Night Live in the 80s & early 90s.  As puritanical as the Church lady was, one has to wonder if  she would have been as nutty as Pastor Terrence Jones of Gainesville, Florida is.  He’s the wingnut who plans to commemorate 9/11 in . . . → Read More: It Would Appear That Jesus Christ Is Who We Would Like Him To Be And How Once Again, The Troops Become Inconveeenient

President Obama’s Newfound Spine, Tarek Fatah & Raheel Raza’s Wrong Approach and The Gamble of a New Islamic Center at Ground Zero



Now only if he did that when health care reform was being hammered out and then perhaps every American would  have had a shot at decent health care. But I digress… I only hope that this is the beginning and that Obama stops attempting to play nice with the rethuglicans and trying . . . → Read More: President Obama’s Newfound Spine, Tarek Fatah & Raheel Raza’s Wrong Approach and The Gamble of a New Islamic Center at Ground Zero

Texas Bus Driver Sues For Discrimination; Religious Reasons–For the Suzy ALLCAPSLOCK Files


I always knew the U.S. were known for two things; their litigiousness and their ever growing wingnuttiness. Particularly religious wingnuttiness.  Just when you think the law suit or the religious belief doesn’t get more ridiculous, more stories proving us wrong come up.

Here is the doozy: a bus driver in Texas is suing . . . → Read More: Texas Bus Driver Sues For Discrimination; Religious Reasons–For the Suzy ALLCAPSLOCK Files

Lorrie Goldstein Hits New Heights of Wingnuttery: Evangelicals Work Hard to Help…For a Price, Naturally


Read and weep here folks, to believe it is to read it. Yes, Lorrie is praising this group of Socon Evangelical ministers for helping the community of Jane-Finch in Toronto. As someone who got lost around there once, I can tell you it makes  Montreal’s worst neighbourhoods like look nice middle class suburbia.  . . . → Read More: Lorrie Goldstein Hits New Heights of Wingnuttery: Evangelicals Work Hard to Help…For a Price, Naturally

Atta Boy, Gilles, You Tell ‘em Where it’s at!


Go, Gilles Go!

Duceppe blasted the Conservative Government for the “ideological decision” to fund “religious groups that believe in the imminent return of the Messiah and translate the Bible into African and Asian dialects.”

In a follow-up comment Duceppe went further, saying sarcastically, “Will it really help women to send preachers … . . . → Read More: Atta Boy, Gilles, You Tell ‘em Where it’s at!

Sarah & Steve: The Tammy-Faye & Jim Baker of Politics


Well, Sarah Palin wants the U.S. to go back to rules based on the 10 commandments. No surprise there. But I have a question: for her group, the bible is considered to be too liberal; to the point of Conservapedia founder, Andy Schlafly has taken it upon himself to rewrite it, to take . . . → Read More: Sarah & Steve: The Tammy-Faye & Jim Baker of Politics

Happy Mother’s Day and of Course, The 50th Anniversary of The Pill; A Day to Remind us we Have Another Struggle Pending


What a journey it has been! JJ  best summarizes how fitting for both to fall on the same day, as she points out, motherhood should be a choice. A day like today should also remind that whatever reproductive rights we do have in Canada today was due to a lot of noise,  certainly . . . → Read More: Happy Mother’s Day and of Course, The 50th Anniversary of The Pill; A Day to Remind us we Have Another Struggle Pending

As Usual, the Fascination With Quebec’s So-Called Bigotry is Fascinating to Many it Would Seem


I was looking for further news about Jean Charest and the latest scandals and or polls and whether or not he’s going to resign sooner rather than later.  There will be some kind of  Quebec Liberal Party conference in St-Hyacinthe (still researching that, so not really sure of the exact nature of meeting) . . . → Read More: As Usual, the Fascination With Quebec’s So-Called Bigotry is Fascinating to Many it Would Seem