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Woman arrested in Montreal for reading George Orwell’s “1984″

OK, where are the book readers? Time to smash some heads.

What’s happening in Montreal (and Quebec), the once free-and-easy heartbeat of Canada? It has turned into a nightmare of a police state not even George Orwell could imagine. It’s hard to think that Stephen Harper’s ugly hand of totalitarianism could infiltrate and bully the innocent people of La Belle Province. The G20 massacre was just the beginning. Nobody is safe from the tentacles of an emboldened and nothing-to-lose police forces the country over, even in Montreal.

After having my bag searched upon my arrival at Berri-UQAM metro station, I took a seat in a subway car headed to Jean-Drapeau station, my book in hand. On my way back, I read facing a police officer and a woman was reading with me, over my shoulder. We had our picture taken and the police officer, seeing that we were two dangerous people, called for backup to meet us properly at Berri. With the other passengers in the car, we were placed against the wall and were subsequently taken outside, by the emergency exits, where we were told not to come back or we would be arrested. The police gave no answer when I asked what was wrong with reading in the metro.

I commited a terrible act of civil disobedience by going back down into the station and returning to read in a subway car. When the police officers saw me eating my apple, they shouted at me that they recognized my tattoos and came after me. I asked them what I had done wrong, other than peacefully reading, and they said that I had disobeyed police orders. I asked my question again, asking what was wrong with reading in the metro, and I got no answer. I was put under arrest and the two police officers did a high five to congratulate themselves on their good work. I was transported, as if I were a criminal, to the SPVM detention centre in downtown Montreal, where they took mug shots. After confiscating my personal belongings, the officers took me took cell 52, where there were already three other women. I spent the day behind bars, in a cell with a dirty toilet, sleeping on a bench, without knowing when I would be released. All this for reading in a subway car, and then repeating this revolutionary act. Around 3:30 PM, I was released with a citation telling me that all this circus was for a charge of refusing to circulate.

Police state? I’m ashamed of my Quebec.

X-posted at Let Freedom Rain.

6 comments to Woman arrested in Montreal for reading George Orwell’s “1984″

  • E. Morse

    “It’s hard to think that Stephen Harper’s ugly hand of totalitarianism could infiltrate and bully the innocent people of La Belle Province”.

    What a stretch. Jean Charest not Harper introduced bill 78. Frankly your website should be taken down for libel. In any case totalitarianism is a specific reference and type of Government that requires subservience to the state-not leader. Such uneducated musings Sister Sage.

    ck Reply:

    Oh anything against you righties is deemed libel. What else is new?

  • Orwell would understand what’s going on.

  • E. Morse deserves a good SLAPP!

    The woman who was hassled for reading Orwell in the Subway should have realized that she should have been reading Mao’s Little Red Book, then Harper would award her an Order of Chinese owned Canada!

  • Gloria

    How true Koot.

    Canada will be merged with Communist China, very soon it seems. China has been permitted to buy huge chunks of the tar sands. They are bringing hordes of them over, to work their tar sands, right down to Chinese cooks. Communist China, is also bringing swarms to build the Enbridge pipeline. Canada’s resources are foreign owned, as well as our jobs.

    Seems, Communist China have hacked into other country’s secret files. A very bad mistake for country’s, to have bought electronic components from Communist China. These other country’s are worried about their security. No wonder the U.N. Security Council, refused Harper a seat. We are having other country’s pulling their company’s out of Canada. Perhaps, not only because of our high dollar?

    Politicians and other provinces, don’t have to obey Harper’s treasonous dictates. The Nuremberg defense, isn’t acceptable to-day, as it wasn’t yester-years.

  • Maharg

    Western power brokers, at one time, were covertly corrupt. They manipulated secretly behind the scenes to push their agendas and exploit public coffers. This provided a limited element of constraint.

    Today, we have the most corrupt so-called demographic governments of my lifetime. They are now in-your-face and overtly corrupt. They do not care one iota about morality and ethics, but are obviously comfortable with publicly lying, cheating, and stealing. Unfortunately the populace is so dumbed down they don’t realize, or they don’t care that they are being scammed. The populace will eventually be so far down the path to serfdom, and barring a major revolution, they won’t be able to recover.