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Arizona judge lectures victim of drunken cop’s sexual assault: “When you blame others, you give up your power to change”

Romney’s dream judge
Arizona is fast becoming known as the most radicalized right-wing state in the USA. But more than that, it is the epitome of what a Romney America would be like. Jan Brewer, that emaciated, wrinkled prune of a Governor, is the ugly face of the racism, sexism and injustice that permeates a state that is fast becoming the dream of every wingnut blogger and Republican tea party pol.

Now we have a new Arizonan face to go along with Brewer. Judge Jacqueline Hatch has proven to be every bit an equal to Brewer. And then some.

When a drunken off-duty cop walked in a bar and up behind a woman, groping her genital area without her permission or knowledge, he was duly convicted of sexual abuse by a jury and fired him from his post. Being that this is the 21st century and police are no longer held accountable for their misdeeds, Hatch stepped in and stripped the prison sentence from the cop, leaving him scott free.

That’s bad enough, but in Barbara Kay fashion, the judge lectured the victim, blaming her for being in a bar. Because let’s face it, bars are sinful places that no lady should be in attendance because sexual assaults are just a natural result of sluts being in bars (emphasis mine).

Bad things can happen in bars, Hatch told the victim, adding that other people might be more intoxicated than she was.

“If you wouldn’t have been there that night, none of this would have happened to you,” Hatch said. 

Hatch told the victim and the defendant that no one would be happy with the sentence she gave, but that finding an appropriate sentence was her duty.

“I hope you look at what you’ve been through and try to take something positive out of it,” Hatch said to the victim in court. “You learned a lesson about friendship and you learned a lesson about vulnerability.” 

Hatch said that the victim was not to blame in the case, but that all women must be vigilant against becoming victims.

“When you blame others,  you give up your power to change,” Hatch said that her mother used to say.

The victim is demanding an apology from the judge. Good luck with that. In Romney’s America, especially in Arizona, no one says they’re sorry. And the police are free to abuse who they please.As for Hatch, she isn’t talking. Perhaps wisely so. This story is spreading like a Tucson brush fire. It doesn’t help than an online petition for the firing of Hatch has already reached 4,000 signatures.

UPDATE:  Beijing York advises the petition is up to 11,000 signatures as of Sept 8 a.m.
X-posted at Let Freedom Rain.

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