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Compassionate conservatism XXIV: Ron Paul demonstrates his compassionate side

It always strikes me as odd when non-right wingers embrace Ron Paul, treating him like some kind of old man puppy dog. While his stand on overseas wars and drugs are enlightened, his other views are somewhat less than enlightened – let’s just say, downright medieval. You know, in a ‘let em . . . → Read More: Compassionate conservatism XXIV: Ron Paul demonstrates his compassionate side

Compassionate conservatism’s finest hour

When George Bush began waving his compassionate conservative flag, the laughter could be heard not just from the left but many on the right had a chuckle, too. The term goes beyond ‘oxymoron’. Any dictionary should have ‘conservative’ as the first entry for antonyms of ‘compassion’.

With the explosion of tea party candidates for . . . → Read More: Compassionate conservatism’s finest hour