Archived posts

Looks Like The Harpercon Saulie Zajdel Camp May Be Pushing Irwin Cotler Out The Door Prematurely


Well boys ‘n’ girls, the latest political happenings in Mount-Royal could definitely go in the Harpercons flare for the unprecedented files.  It appears that the good constituents in the riding of Mount-Royal have been robo-called, being asked if they would support the Harpercons in the upcoming by-election. There’s a tiny snag, though; there . . . → Read More: Looks Like The Harpercon Saulie Zajdel Camp May Be Pushing Irwin Cotler Out The Door Prematurely

Excuses! Excuses!


Apparently, voter apathy was not restricted to the young at the 41st election.  Below are the numbers broken down of the wall of shame known as the non-voters:

18 to 24 years old: 29.9% 25 to 32 years old: 30.8% 35 to 44 years old: 27.5% 45 to 54 years old: 29.1% 55 . . . → Read More: Excuses! Excuses!

Uh, You Voted For Steve to be Unleashed With Majority, Now Enjoy It!


I laughed to the point of nearly choking on my coffee just now after reading the latest from Gloria Galloway and some study Conservative strategist, Jaime Watt and Ensight did to find why voters voted the way they did.  I mean, the first half of the title was enough of a scream!

Voters . . . → Read More: Uh, You Voted For Steve to be Unleashed With Majority, Now Enjoy It!

Vive Le Quebec Libre!


Layton will learn how useless he’ll be in Harperland.  He’ll be outvoted everytime because of a majority.   Layton now spouting about retirement security and public health care in Canada. Ha! He’ll get squat!! Layton, gonna make change happen? Oh yeah, change will happen, but it’ll be a neo-con utopia in Stevie’s vision. . . . → Read More: Vive Le Quebec Libre!

I Told You So!


Harpercons: 160 seats, wiping the floor with even the NDP.   Ontario and the west haven’t even been counted yet.  Harpercon landslide.  So Dippers, still feeling so smug?  Big whoop de doo for NDP official opposition. They’ll be rendered useless.  Window dressing who take up seats in house of commons.   It’s Stevie . . . → Read More: I Told You So!

Sometimes Conspiracy Theories Can Actually End UP being Reality


I have been saying for awhile that the NDP numbers are inflated, perhaps artificially.  Commenter Alison over at “What Do I Know Grit”,   has expressed the theory about that NDP surge . I thought about something similar, actually. I’ll turn it over to Alison.

The NDP surge which was fed by the media . . . → Read More: Sometimes Conspiracy Theories Can Actually End UP being Reality

End of The Road: No Time To Be Lulled Into a False Sense of Security and Stevie Can Still Get His Majority


We have no arrived at the end of the road of  election 41 campaign. We have been polled, tweeted,  newsed, etc.   Before I go on, I would like to review all the party’s campaigns briefly.

Maybe there is something to be said for peek-a-boo campaigns? Jane Taber was certainly very complimentary of . . . → Read More: End of The Road: No Time To Be Lulled Into a False Sense of Security and Stevie Can Still Get His Majority

One Conservative Columnist Troubled By Harpercon Abuses Of Democracy


I may not agree with much of what Andrew Coyne has to say, but at least he’s one of the few who is not afraid to let the world know when he thinks the Harpercons have done something stupid or just plain wrong.  Today’s column demonstrates just that.

All I’ve been hearing and . . . → Read More: One Conservative Columnist Troubled By Harpercon Abuses Of Democracy

I Wonder if The Grope & Fail Editorial’s Glowing Endorsement of Stevie Spiteful Will Get Them Back in Sun Media’s Good Graces?


Remember not that long ago how Sun Media’s editorialists were whining, almost taunting the Grope and Fail about them no longer being Conservative?  Well, this endorsement (more like ass-kissing)  from the Grope & Fail’s editorialists, for Stevie oh so dreamy should put poor Sun Media’s editorialist’s minds right at ease!

They endorse dictatorship . . . → Read More: I Wonder if The Grope & Fail Editorial’s Glowing Endorsement of Stevie Spiteful Will Get Them Back in Sun Media’s Good Graces?

Blogging SupposiTory Paul, The Frustrated CAW Member, I Have a Marvelous Suggestion For You!


Your blog appears to be nothing but praise for the anti- union Harpercons and you seem to really detest everything about your union. I suspect you detest other labour unions as well. Today’s screed is that  CAW president, Ken Lewenza,  has endorsed the Liberals this election, apparently.  It comes complete with a letter . . . → Read More: Blogging SupposiTory Paul, The Frustrated CAW Member, I Have a Marvelous Suggestion For You!

Vote Mob in Montreal Tomorrow Afternoon


If you’re in the Montreal area tomorrow afternoon, please stop by and join the festivities!

Si vous etes a Montreal demain apres-midi, svp, veuillez venir nous rejoindre!

Faites-vous entendre durant cette campagne! Surprenez la classe politique qui semble trop souvent miser sur le manque d’intérêt des étudiants!

Rejoignez le mouvement de mobilisation qui . . . → Read More: Vote Mob in Montreal Tomorrow Afternoon

Wasted Vote


by Shan Koyczan

compliments of


Brilliant, as always.  Enjoy.

Then, don’t forget to vote May 2nd.  Good luck everyone…

More Shit Stevie Said…


But this ain’t compiled by any of the opposition parties.  This is a 500 page dossier; alphabetized; everything from abortion to Western alienation, compiled by Stevie’s own Tom Flanagan; everything ol’ Stevie Spiteful said privately and publicly.  Yeah, the Liberals somehow got their mits on it.   Here are a few snippits:

The . . . → Read More: More Shit Stevie Said…

Looks Like Large Turn-Outs For Opening of Advanced Polls Today


My husband and I decided to go vote today in the early polls.  In 2008, when voter turn-out was at a record low, my husband went to vote in the advanced poll in Mount-Royal where we previously lived and remembered how quickly it went for him; he was in and out in five . . . → Read More: Looks Like Large Turn-Outs For Opening of Advanced Polls Today

Thanks Brad Wall, This Quebecoise Luvs Ya Too!


One thing about this out of place constitutional debate happening these days is a further realization that Quebec is just not welcome in this country.

Now, the premier of Saskatchewan, Brad Wall shows us tonight just how much he luvs us Quebeckers:

“The notion that Mr. Ignatieff may choose to not recognize the . . . → Read More: Thanks Brad Wall, This Quebecoise Luvs Ya Too!

Enough With The Civics Lessons And The Speculations Already! Wait! I Have Another Scenario To Chew on!


I think Iggy just handed Stevie Spiteful his majority last night while talking to the Harper brown nose of the CBC, Peter Mansbridge.  It was an excercise in Gotcha Bull-shit on the part of Mansbridge, along with the rest of the Harpercon media and Iggy fell for it. Now the Harpercons and their . . . → Read More: Enough With The Civics Lessons And The Speculations Already! Wait! I Have Another Scenario To Chew on!

Health Care is Everybody’s Problem–Up To Us To Ensure We Have It When We Need It


Indeed it is.  Before I go on, I have to wonder why the Liberals have at least edited out portions of their latest health care attack ads.  The statement at issue is below.

“It’s past time the feds scrapped the Canada Health Act.”

- Stephen Harper, then Vice-President of the National Citizens Coalition, . . . → Read More: Health Care is Everybody’s Problem–Up To Us To Ensure We Have It When We Need It

What Needs To Happen In The French Debate This Fine Evening


Tonight’s French language debate will no doubt have much fewer viewers outside of Quebec, but there are many Francophones in the rest of Canada who will probably tune in as well. Not to mention, the punditry will all be out observing with the help of translators no doubt and there will be the . . . → Read More: What Needs To Happen In The French Debate This Fine Evening

Once Again, Bill 101 Is a Provincial Matter, Quibbling Over Dumb Slogans And Reviving The Linguistic War As A Campaign Strategy


I’ve got to stop reading the likes of  anti-feminist Babs Kay when I’m drinking hot coffee.  I invariably end up choking, burning myself and getting it all  over the place.  Perhaps today is the day I learn.

Before I start hammering her,  I have to ask, what was the deal with Gilles Duceppe . . . → Read More: Once Again, Bill 101 Is a Provincial Matter, Quibbling Over Dumb Slogans And Reviving The Linguistic War As A Campaign Strategy

Stevie Looked Like He Was On Drugs, Duceppe Won For Facial Expressions, Iggy Didn’t Land That Crucial Punch, Layton Won


For openers, I’d really like to know who Stevie Spiteful’s pusher is. I mean, all three of them were attacking him and yet, he always looked calm. Too calm, in fact, he looked stoned.  Had to have been a pharmaceutical explanation for this.

Stevie did give himself away though.  He has no plans . . . → Read More: Stevie Looked Like He Was On Drugs, Duceppe Won For Facial Expressions, Iggy Didn’t Land That Crucial Punch, Layton Won