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Mr Lilley, Since When Did You Become a Statistician?

After reading  Jojo and Jabba the Roy going all gaga over his hero, Brian “fearless” Lilley yet again.  You know, that Astral Talk Radio Ottawa bureau reporter? You know, the one who is soooo conservative, he can’t even see clear to do his job properly? You know, that part he must have missed in journalism school about reporting the news from a neutral standpoint without bias or prejudice?

Well,  it seems that Silly Lilley now fancies himself a statistician. His latest in that rag, the Examiner is where he blabs stupidly about four various polls with an assortment of wording to an assortment of questions as to where Canadians stand on Abortion and such.  These polls were so different from one another, so independent;  picture trying to concoct a smoothy or soup with apples, oranges, mustard and cucumbers.   Oh Lawdy!

So if we put all four polls together what we find is that Canadians likely find abortion to be morally wrong, something they think should be restricted at some point before birth, something that should receive limited public financing, something that should remain legal and a true hot button issue as to whether Canada should fund abortions overseas.

Indeedy, click the above link for the polls he so poorly tries to analyze.

As for folks like Look at Me, I’m Sandra Dee,  Jojo Blue and Dr Jabba the Roy, continue whining about it amongst yourselves.  As for you all whining about how immoral it is for your tax dollars to be paying for state funded abortions, get over it. 

I don’t like paying taxes for Porky Puffy Duffy to have 500$/plate dinners at some insipid charities for corporate executives and to jet set. Or the rest of the useless senate’s 6-figure salaries and ridiculous expense accounts. 

Nor do I like my tax dollars giving tax credits to the likes of the Canadian Constitution Foundation so Ezzy IrreLevant can have a career closing down Human Rights commissions with the help of the most hateful clients in North America and shrews like Shona Holmes can sue governments for the right to use insurance that would discriminate against her. 

I especially hate my tax dollars draining in that senseless war in Afghanistan so that corrupt politicians can stay in power and we can go on concealing the fact that we have and may well still be breaking international laws.

I don’t like paying for 10 percenters.

My number one problem with where my tax dollars are going? Corporate welfare. Tax breaks on corporations that do nothing to contribute to the community; they do not create jobs. Tax breaks simply to keep executives in the ivory towers in the lifestyles they would practically kill to keep, I’m sure.

I’m dealing with it all, so, surely, you can all deal with contributing to publicly funded abortions that save women’s lives and prevent them from endangering their lives like back in the old days of flop houses in dark alleys with non-medical professionals and other desperate measures women resorted to back then.

Mr. Lilley, you suck as a news reporter. You suck even more at Statistical math.

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