Because eventually, I will come up with the truth.
Ignoring didn’t help, so now I will fight back.
I’m pissed; I ain’t takin’ it anymore, and hell, I am not above smut… not where Twatsy is concerned.
Collateral damage? You betcha! This is war!
Speaking of inuendo: What really is the relationship between the incoherent Canadian Sense and Twatsy, anyway? This inquiring mind wants to know. Is Canadian Sense also looking to lose his/her virginity to Twatsy perhaps?
Rightchik, I meant it, look at his facebook pic, he looks like he salivates at the idea of molesting minors because he can’t have control over his faculties with actual adults. The pics of your knee high boots more than likely drove Twatsy to a pre-mature ejaculation.
And Twatsy, start reading actual books instead of stalking fraternities and progressive bloggers such as myself.
How can anyone take a blog that has a pic of Stone cold Steve Austin on their blog and a title like Nexus of Assholery seriously?
Good Gawd! Insolant deadbeat pieces of shit like Patrick Ross are the perfect illustration as to why legalized abortions are the best thing since the cure for the clap came along.
As for you Twatsy, you worthless piece of shit! I bet your mother must regret the day she allowed that man to have his way with her that conceived a horrible science experiment like yourself!
UPDATE: Twatsy’s “friends” come to his rescue. He now denies he used multiple IP addresses to get through my comments section
I have them saved…
Believe what you want: I don’t take orders from CC or anyone else for that matter. He fights his own battles. , I’m fighting mine…
And Dr Roy, you’re a doctor, an altruistic helping profession…from your ratingings, you suck! How did you not get sued for malpractice? Everytime you talk you sound like you hit a small child with your gas guzzling car while racing to gawk at young girls at Marianopolis College.
At least I’m good at my job as a low level civil servant, and unlike Twatsy, I’m not living off Daddy’s money chasing fraternities more than hitting the books; I actually do work and pay taxes.
Twatsy, I bet you don’t have a mother…no one can raise a worthless piece of shit like you!
Oh Twatsy! If you plan to sue me…good luck! I have nothing. I don’t own anything. I live from paychecque to paychecque.
“Freedom of expression? Bull shit! Absolute freedom of speech is overrated”
You might want to re-think that line, preceding an insult-rich exercise in free speech as it does.
ck Reply:
May 25th, 2010 at 1:16 PM
No, I like it fine the way it is….
I didn’t start this war, but I’m sure as hell going to finish it once & for all…
That worthless piece of shit’s stalking days are over!!
I do so hate it when bloggers try and involve people like me in their blog wars.
Ross is fairly regular on stageleft, that ain’t gonna change regardless of whether or not you, or the Canadian Cynic, or any other blogger for that matter, decides to go to war with him for something.
… awaiting the smut, I remain
ck Reply:
May 25th, 2010 at 3:35 PM
Feeling targeted Stageleft? Why would you feel targeted? Because you entertain the likes of that evil piece of scum?
I saw your comment over at Twatsy’s…picking on my comments moderation policy has proven you do pick sides. That piece of shit resorted to sock puppet identities at other sites where he was clearly banned from commenting and he used a grand total of 9 IP addresses to worm his way into my comments section. Obviously, you don’t follow me or you would have known about this problem instead of condemning my comment moderation. You put yourself in the middle over at Twatsy’s today. You could have said nothing.
Since you follow the piece shit of assholery, you would know that I have tried to ignore him. It hasn’t worked. So, if stalking someone who wasn’t even bothering him isn’t a problem for you or my fighting back is, then it doesn’t show much character on your part, now does it?
Perhaps you should join the blogging tories. Oh wait a minute! I think even Stephen Taylor thinks Twatsy’s too nutty for his little Conservative day care.
Funny how today of all days you become Twatsy’s commenter after only the incoherent and evil Canadian Sense.
I hope that (ok, alleged, but I’m as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow) kiddie porn amateur is well worth the trouble.
As a blogger who allows Patrick to comment, I guess I’ve earned a smutty innuendo. Do I get any input to the nature of the innuendo (e.g., partners, position, appliances, frequency, gender, species, fluids, etc…) or is it purely blogger’s choice?
Seriously, I still don’t get what people find so annoying about Patrick. His heaviest intellectual punches have the heft of nerf ball falling off a coffee table onto shag carpet.
ck Reply:
May 25th, 2010 at 3:37 PM
Read my response to your co-blogger. I’m not repeating myself.
Just to say that endorsing stalking that he has started with me is hardly a character endorsement.
Nah, I’m not feeling targeted – I just find it high-schoolish when bloggers try and drag others into their disagreements and arguments.
It tends to bring out the snark in me.
I had essentially this same discussion with CC a few months ago, if you don’t like the guy do what you need to do and don’t threaten some sort of punishment or retaliation towards others who don’t follow your lead — in my circles we call that authoritarian behaviour.
Three additional points:
[1] I didn’t condemn your comment moderation policy – I don’t subscribe to the model you have chosen however it’s your blog and you can quite obviously handle comments however you want.
[2] Todays comment was not the first I’ve left on the Nexus, nor (I imagine) will it be the last – I read a fair number of blogs (some regularly others not so frequently) but I do not feel the need to comment on each and every post their authors may make – go back a few posts and you’ll find them.
[3] Why would I want to join the Blogging Tories?
ck Reply:
May 25th, 2010 at 5:00 PM
I didn’t condemn your comment moderation policy – I don’t subscribe to the model you have chosen however it’s your blog and you can quite obviously handle comments however you want.
so, for you to approve, I should just allow his sockpuppets and his stalking to continue? Perhaps I should let all the spam selling colon cleansers and viagra come through as well?
On second thought, maybe I should let those through: maybe Twatsy and his “friend” may want to take notes…
Oh, I didn’t tell you to stop being his playmate. You’re free to do what you like. Just that, like any choices made in life, they come with consequences. Basic high school Moral & ethical classes and values responsible parents raise their kids with.
Oh and Stage, I so hope Twatsy was worth fighting for…I wonder if he would extend you the same courtesy?
“Basic high school…”
Yes, I knew there was something familiar about “if you’re going to let HIM comment, you can’t be MY friend” meme…
Basic high school.
If you’ve read my exchanges with Patrick, you know I think he’s a self important frat boy with delusions of intellectual prowess. Sometimes I’m bored and I play with him. Sometimes I’m bored and I play with the odious Canadian Sentinel. That implies neither endorsement nor approval.
ck Reply:
May 25th, 2010 at 7:33 PM
His behavior shouldn’t be endorsed anymore than a pedophile.
I’m waiting for the argument defending his right to posess kiddie porn.
ck Reply:
May 25th, 2010 at 7:36 PM
I think he’s a self important frat boy with delusions of intellectual prowess.
He’s far worse than that: he’s a stalker and I Have all his IP addresses in my data base to prove it.
Hi ck
I wasn’t suggesting you change your post — it is not for me to make such suggestions. I was just trying to tell you that this is exactly the kind of thing people might seize on to bug you with. “Free speech for me but not for thee”, and all that. (I also don’t agree with your assessment of free expression as “bullshit”, but that’s something else altogether.)
As for the PR aspect of things, I don’t think stageleft and balb deserve your wrath just because they can handle the “bullshit” that some of us (including me) can’t.
I take it you’ve already banned PR, so why not just ignore him? That seems like an easier and more fun solution to me…
ck Reply:
May 25th, 2010 at 7:56 PM
JJ, do you know how many IP addresses I’ve had to ban? I have them all in my database to prove.
I did take your suggestion and pulled that sentence out though…
I am his favourite subject as well; all lies.
I have tried to ignore him; read his page, it didn’t work…
As for Stageleft and Balbulican; I never once mentioned them; they came rushing to my comments section…to defend what? One complains about me bringing him into this, well, all he had to do was not comment on the subject if he wanted to be left out; it’s that simple.
I am entitled to fight back in any way I see fit.
NO one finds anything wrong with using multiple IP addresses and sock puppet ids to get around a ban?
Dear god. I’m not defending him. What part of “self important frat boy with delusions of intellectual prowess” did you think was a “defense”?
Aw, fuck it. Our side is getting as humorless as theirs.
Hi ck
It’s the internet, kiddo, that’s just what people do — bug other people. You do the same thing when you mock other bloggers — the only difference is that you haven’t latched onto one person.
Gee, I wonder why he does that to you?
Maybe because you respond?
I used to get an incoming link from Teh Nexus once a week, Jebus only knows what he was saying about me. I sure don’t know because I never took the bait and clicked.
Don’t be a chump
Ignore him.
ck Reply:
May 25th, 2010 at 9:45 PM
That’s just it; up until Today I did ignore him…not working…
there’s also another difference: If I’m banned at someone’s comment section; I don’t go back to attempt to leave comments with under a different IP addy or sock puppet identity. . If they ask me to stop leaving comments on their page: I will stop. Simple as that…
Ah ….. what’s with the “so, for you to approve…” gig? Didn’t I already say that I didn’t condemn your moderation policy, and that it was your blog and your comment moderation policy? I never mentioned any approval, or lack there of — and why would it matter if I did, or did not, approve anyway?
And as for “As for Stageleft and Balbulican; I never once mentioned them; they came rushing to my comments section…to defend what?”
Does this sound even vaguely familiar to you:
“Anyone who allows Patrick Ross on their site will be subject to my smutty inuendo on a regular basis. All are fair game! Collateral damage? You betcha! This is war!”
You may not have known it but Patrick Ross does comment on stageleft, not often, but now and again – and for not deleting his comments or banning him you offered to make us the subject of your “smutty inuendo on a regular basis”.
So lets be real clear on this, I’m not defending anything or anyone. I am telling you that making threats against other bloggers simply because you have a personal ax to grind and they don’t happen to agree with your chosen course of action brings out the snark in me – especially when one of the bloggers happens to be me.
ck – “If I’m banned at someone’s comment section; I don’t go back to attempt to leave comments with under a different IP addy or sock puppet identity. . If they ask me to stop leaving comments on their page: I will stop.”
It’s a mistake to judge the behaviour of others by your own personal standards: “I don’t do it, so nobody else should”. You don’t have to understand *why* people sometimes do things differently from the way you would, just accept that they *do* and move on.
FWIW, I never saw any evidence of sockpuppeting by PRoss at my place after he’s been banned, which has been multiple times. Are you sure these IPs of which you speak are even his? You could be banning some unsuspecting reader who hasn’t done anything wrong…
“Blog wars”, especially where you involve other bloggers who don’t wish to be involved, are never a good idea. Patrick can be an irritating gnat on the arse of the blogosphere, but that’s about it. He’s probably having great fun at your expense over this, so unless you enjoy this kind of attention you’d be better off ignoring him.
ck Reply:
May 26th, 2010 at 3:02 PM
He’s already showering me with attention and has been for a long time; actually 9 IP addresses were attached to his name and email; there is at least one sock puppet identity and once upon a time, he impersonated Sparky, a frequent commenter at some of these blogs. He played the role of Sparky at my old place at Blogspot.
As for other bloggers getting involved. I didn’t involve them; they involved themselves. We all have choices as adults, but with choices come consequences, values our generation was raised with…
If I don’t fight my own battles, no one will. My father taught me when I was small that if someone hits me, to hit them back and hit harder.
I tried taking the high road with him; it clearly didn’t work. I told you this before.
JJ, have you been his favourite blog subject for 3 months running now? Has he tried to get through to your site with multiple IP addresses and/or sock puppet identities?
Clearly, if I don’t fight back, I am the hack he says I am. That simple. I become the whimp he walks all over.
ck Reply:
May 26th, 2010 at 3:08 PM
Oh and JJ, did you know that he said awhile back that if I wrote on my blog basically what he wanted me to write, he may have left me alone. He basically wanted me to write that I’m a racist chicken wanker who takes orders from Canadian Cynic…
Everytime I write a post, not even related to a blogging tory or any blogger, he would smash it at his place; misquote me and such.
That would be like Suzy ALLCAPS harrassing you and harrassing you until you admitted that your a pro-abortion pig and women have pleasure being raped (or whatever other twisted mantra of her’s)
Could you handle that? No, I think you would be fighting back, as well you should.
Good grief, ck, can you not see what’s happening? He’s playing you!!! And you’re playing right along with it. If anyone ever told me what I should write on my blog, I’d just laugh at them.
Look, it’s none of my business, I was just trying to give you a little friendly (if unsolicited) advice since this is clearly upsetting you. So I’ll leave it at this: if someone is being a jerk to you, the best thing you can do is ignore them. The worst thing you can do is give them the attention they crave.
It’s the internet, it’s not like anyone’s showing up at your doorstep. Try not to take everything so seriously.
ck Reply:
May 27th, 2010 at 6:23 AM
He’s pure evil…just like today’s neo-cons; only he’s something out of horror movies who needs to be taught manners, at least.
It’s gotten so I can’t leave comments at even some progressive blogs that still allow him there…
CK, you don’t know me and have no reason to trust me, but just for this one post accept that I am a pretty nice guy and I am not playing games, just talking to you honestly.
Patrick is not “pure evil”. He’s childish, combatative, and obsessive, all traits I recognize and struggle with in myself. But you have to set the “evil” bar pretty low if you think Patrick qualifies.
JJ is exactly right. Patrick is delightedly poking you in exactly the manner he knows will elicit a reaction. If he ever decides to get into criminal law, he’ll be an excellent cross examiner. His “ideas” are banal and his grasp of “argument” is weak, but he has a gift for figuring out exactly what makes other bloggers tick, and how to annoy them. And he’s found your buttons.
His targets and annoyance strategies vary. With CC it’s a combatative, macho swagger. With Audrey, it was a shrill, capering, incessant repetition of “I WON! I WON!” With me, it was a hit to my arrogance. All different, and all, for a limited time, effective ways to provoke a response. But in each case they sopped working when the target figured out the game and started laughing at him instead of getting mad.
He doesn’t like being laughed at. By that, I don’t mean the pissed-off bloggers usual furious clenched-teeth faux-amusment (LMAO OMG you are so LAME ROTFL). I mean really sitting back, watching him play his transparent games, pointing them out, and simply not engaging any further. It works. And it’s better for your blood pressure. AND you have the twin pleasures of frustrating him and amusing your fellow bloggers.
C’est ca qui va lui decourager, si tu peux le faire.
ck Reply:
May 27th, 2010 at 10:28 AM
Patrick is not “pure evil”. He’s childish, combatative, and obsessive, all traits I recognize and struggle with in myself. But you have to set the “evil” bar pretty low if you think Patrick qualifies.
Evil is elder, child, spousal and animal abuse; gay (or of any minority group; verbal &/or physical) bashing, stalking anyone; selling your own grandmother around the corner for 25 cents; unjustifiable murder (in other word, for the hell of it), making sure the poor and disenfranchised stay that way, watching somebody bleed, but not even bothering to call 9/11, push an already desperate person off a ledge, intentionally getting behind the wheel of a car after drinking, willingness to run over a disabled person who takes longer to cross the street simply because said driver missed their light (it really does happen; take it from someone who walks a blind co-worker from office to his bus stop at the end of the day), unwillingness to help your fellow man do good things or just getting through life the best way he or she could, employee discrimination, a refusal to help someone be employable and get a job, leaving somebody hanging out to dry.
Twatsy qualifies for most, if not all of the above, as do today’s neo-cons. My parents, teachers at school, my instructors at any after school activities, summer camp staff, etc have all taught me that those things are evil, and all those folks can’t be wrong, now can they? Every kid in my generation and earlier were drummed those values when growing up.
Bal, if you grew up in my time, and if you weren’t taught those same values then your upbringing must have been the exception.
Sorry, but nice guys don’t leave targets of stalking and public humiliation out to dry.
I noticed when leaving a comment at some progressive bloggers who do allow Twatsy to comment, he humiliates me on their site. Only Montreal Simon and Dylan of Right of Center Ice had the decency to actually condemn his behavior.
Try googling how many posts about me he’s written since March. Count how many I have rebutted up til now; try none, except for the mention of his multiple IP addresses.
Proof I did try ignoring him. It didn’t work. It still doesn’t . I am seeing that if I don’t rebut, he wins; I am nothing but the chicken wanker he says I am. Hell, you must believe it…never ever heard you refuting it. That’s your right but when I decide to bite him back, stay outta the way.
There I have written Twatsy’s next post for him…
Like I said, no wonder our side is losing with all the divisiveness. Evil stay in lockstep with each other and that is why they’re winning.
If you wish to continue defending someone who seems to have a sickly evil fetish for small kids and animals, then go ahead…
Shrug. To put it as plainly as possible, you’re simply rewarding and reinforcing his aberrant behaviour by providing him with exactly the response he’s so desperately trying to elicit from you.
If that’s what you’re trying to do, great.
Patrick isn’t “evil”, he’s an irritating little ass-gnat, one that’s feeling particularly important right now because he’s the source of so much anxiety to someone else (you).
If you’re this sensitive about Patrick’s inane mockery, what would you do if some real psycho fixated on you… called you at home? Or at work? Or started stalking you? That sometimes happens to bloggers, and that is where the rubber meets the road. That is when a person is right to be upset & paranoid.
Anything less is all part of the white noise of meaningless babble and vast reservoirs of human dumbness that make up the internet.
Take it for what it’s worth