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Tomorrow, We Demonstrate and Please Show Up In Droves, Not Only For the Inquiry, But to Prevent the Police State!

Please continue to show up at the demonstrations in large numbers tomorrow.  In Montreal, We start at 13:00 at Philip’s Square.  We can’t afford to crawl back into apathy, in fact, we need to get more Canadians out of their apathy.

Below is a short version of a 17 minute video montage masterfully put together by Pierre Cote. The longer 17 minute version was plaid in a loop at the candle light vigil which took place last Saturday night, when we had the Montreal G20 detainees that were there light the tea lights that were set up on the ground.  It was indeed a moving ceremony.

Pierre took raw footage of cops trampling and beating protesters and it played of a screen for not only those who partook, but for any passersby who would actually choose to stop and see for themselves what actually happened rather than what corporate media tells them. I only wish more stopped by.

The last news I heard last Saturday evening was that 13 were still detained.

Watch the video below. Yes, it comes complete with the crazy cop lady, her ‘ colleagues’ and swords or whatever the hell they were.

A reminder as to why we must  show up to these events tomorrow and hereafter; why we must never give up insisting on an inquiry as to what happened.  The police are now scrambling looking for “Canada’s most wanted”; an effort in some whitewash; damage control. Me thinks we’re a gettin’ closer to the truth. Let’s continue plugging away before any kind of dissent is criminalized.

And speaking of criminalized, I did have a troll not long ago; he has a blog called Clancop. Now, you’ve really got to imagine the kind of winner he must be, calling himself “Clancop” (Klu Klux Klan Cop?).  And if you read the wingnutty blog length comments he published at my post  talking about the candle light vigil last week as well as this post, What If There Were No Black Bloc… I know I shouldn’t feed trolls and I probably broke every blogging rule, but in this instance, I made an exception. He is obviously even too nutty for Stephen Taylor’s Blogging Insane Assylum.   I wanted him to bring out the truth about what he really thought as it is the growing evil thoughts of today’s conservatives.

I will just bring you two highlights; one is he was perfectly ok with how the cops roughed up Mr John Pruyn as this idiot really believed Mr Pruyn was using his prosthetic leg as a weapon. I always knew many of today’s Harpercon cheerleaders were ok with it, but stopped short of condoning it out loud, until of course, Clancop. Hence, why I kept sparring with him.

The other is, he has great hope that the cops start reading my blog. Gee, I wonder if I should tone down the profanity and/or the vulgar metaphors I sometimes use? But, all jokes aside, Clancop is representative of  that Pinochet-esque hard right that is seeking to stamp out dissent.  Here is the quote from the charmer regarding his hopes for the police state:

Keep up the pathetic blog, it just allows the police to keep tabs on you and your radical readership… Hilarious

That had to take the cake for me. It’s laughable now, but in the future…who knows?  Again, that’s why we need to keep this going.  Please everybody, I hope you all show up to the various events in your respective towns and cities. And  let’s try to stay safe, ok? Be careful who you talk to; the July 1st CLAC march apparently had an issue with an agent provocateur. So apparently, agents provocateurs are here to stay.

Sidenote:  Is it just me, or does anyone (that is, those who have actually dared to visit Ezzy IrreLevant’s blog from time to time) actually point and laugh now when they see the sub-title: “Get the Uncensored Version of the Story Before it’s Banned!” Really rich, Ezzy!!  Yet, he’s probably amongst the Clancops who would shut dissenters like myself down.

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