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No Dissenters in Harpercon Utopia

900ft Jesus does the heavy lifting, having found everyone who has been fired, demoted, and sent away. Thanks 900Ft Jesus for furnishing this list.

Fired or dismissed:

Luc Pomerleau, biologist, Food Inspection Agency for whistleblowing.
Douglas Tipple, consultant, PWGSC, set up then fired for his advice on real estate.David Rotor, consultant, PWGSC, set up then fired for his advice on real estate.
Arthur Carty, National Science Advisor, phased out.
Alan Leadbeater, Canadian Information Commission, dismissed.
Paul Kennedy, chair, Complaints Commission for the RCMP, term not renewed, mid-reportPeter Tinsley, chair, Military Police Complaints Commission, term not renewed, mid-report
Adrian Measner, Canadian Wheat Board, fired for disagreeing with Harper plansJohanne Gelinas, Environment Commissioner, dismissed for a scathing report
Linda Keen, CNsc, fired for doing her job
RCMP Chief Supt. Marty Cheliak, dismissed, apparently for speaking in favour of the long gun registry
Pat Stogran, ombudsman for veterans, dismissed for doing his job

Others who were probably forced out or encouraged to leave:

Robert Marleau, Information Commissioner, stonewalled, resigned
Jean-Guy Fleury, chair, Immigration & Refugee Board, resigned out of frustrationJean-Pierre Kingsley, Elections Canada, stonewalled, resigned while investigating the CONs

Smeared, muzzled, or set up:

Richard Colvin, diplomat, attacked viciously for telling the truth as part of his job
Rémi Beauregard, Rights & Democracy, died, heart attack after cruel attacks from Harper appointeesLouise Arbour, UN High Com. for Human Rights, was refused support on 2ndterm, publicly rebuffed
Kevin Page, publicly rebuffed repeatedly, budget cut back
Munir Sheikh, resigned because he refused to lie for the Harper governmentThis list does not include those anonymous public servants who may have been fired or forced out for refusing to violate their non-partisan mandates but never made the news.Over two years ago – May 2008, we were warned of this purge:Information Commissioner Robert Marleau told The Hill Times recently that the Harper government has been quietly drafting about 25 government policies that impact on the rights of officers of Parliament, and that it has been happening without their knowledge or input.

All those people who dared to actually do their jobs properly, giving it their full efforts. So, anyone applying to work for the Harpercon government, here are the qualifications searched for: nothing beyond a grade 6 education will be considered. Must always agree with your superiors. Any disagreement with the King’s agenda would be considered insubordinate.  Of course, it is preferable that you are white, unilingual English and an Evangelical Christian. In other words, you only serve as window dressing.  Hey! That sounds like a perfect job for Sarah Landriault! There. That was easy.

Yes, the above may sound flippant, but, remember much humor is derived from the truth and what happened to the above good people who put the good of the people they serve before their megalomaniac employers certainly makes the above  criteria for an ideal servant to King Stevie Spiteful quite accurate. No, no dissenters.

I guess what happened to those protesters and innocent bystanders at the G20 shouldn’t be a surprise under the Harpercon regime given the wretched way he treats his own people. Granted they were treated far worse, but one can see the correlation between the brutality of the treatment of Canadian citizens exercising their rights to protest against government policies and new world orders being discussed at the G20 and  those on Stevie Spiteful’s payroll who are hamstringed from doing their jobs properly as it goes against Steve’s goals and directions.

And yes, contrary to many Harpercon cheerleaders, many of those public servants, watch dogs and bureaucrats were Harpercon appointees. Perhaps next time he’ll make them swear on the Evangelical bible.

Yes, Stevie spiteful is showing more and more to be fit for the rubber room. He displays his disdain for Canada and its’ inhabitants increasingly with each passing day.  It is obvious that his plan was that final hard shove to his far right should have taken place about now and it hadn’t; it was met with hostility instead as many on the right also wish to not only keep the mandatory census, but also have a distaste for the way our veterans are being treated and don’t like the way Col.  Pat Stogran is being pushed out the door simply because of his tireless efforts,  fighting on behalf of veterans and the widows of dead soldiers who are being treated badly by the bureaucrats working under the mandate of the Harpercons.   Pandorra is out of her box. One question for Stevie: if he hates Canada and Canadians and is frustrated with all that he’s tried, why the hell doesn’t he just resign? Just go away?

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