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bra burners? Really?

I received an interesting article in my inbox this morning, thanks ck! It was an op-ed in the Toronto Sun yesterday entitled “Why do we fund the bra burners?” by one Eric DuHaime.  I’m not going to dignify it with a link, go find it if you really have to.  He seems to have a problem with a Quebec based womens organisation,

The Quebec’s Women Federation (QWF) had to withdraw parts of a very controversial ad last week in preparation for this week’s World March of Women.

The group that pretends it’s representing Quebec’s women ran a video in which a woman, acting as the mother of a Canadian soldier killed in Afghanistan, says: “If I had known that in giving them life I was going to supply cannon fodder, maybe I wouldn’t have had any children.”

To me, this is a sad commentary on how military actions, otherwise known as wars, have inevitable and catastrophic consequences for all involved.  Everyone.  Except the politicians and the Chief Executive Officers of corporations such as GE, Xe, Exxon, BP, Lockheed Martin…you get the idea.  While the actress in the video may have expressed sentiments that were extremely harsh, isn’t it true that many mothers would not choose to send their precious children to war?  Especially an un-necessary and unwelcome war? 

I am a military mother with a son who is going to Afghanistan and the video did not offend me at all.  I feel that if my son has committed to accept orders from the Canadian Government without question, it naturally follows that it is my job to make damn sure that the mission is just and that executive orders are, in fact, legal.

As I said before, here, this war leaves the women and children caught in the crossfire between their invaders (or Nato, or us, whichever you prefer), their corrupt puppet government headed by Karzai and installed by Nato and the terrorist Taliban organization they (the USA) seem to have trained, funded and are now negotiating with.  According to Afghan women and voiced by their own Malalai Joya, as reported in the Vancouver Sun 

The youngest woman ever elected to Afghanistan’s parliament told a Canadian audience Sunday that the NATO occupation of her homeland is supporting a puppet government and making Afghanistan a haven for terrorists and drug-trafficking…”We are in between two evil(s): the warlords and Taliban on one side, and the occupation on the other,” Joya said. “The first step is to fight against occupation — those who can liberate themselves will be free, even if it costs our lives.”

Clearly, if our goal there is to free the women and girls, we should  be supporting their efforts to attain their own peace, in a way that empowers their own democratic tradition.  After all, you can’t impose democracy, it is an oxymoron.  Mr. Duhaime goes on to opine,

So how on earth could an organization that pretends to be representing women’s rights oppose an intervention — no matter if it is militarily or not — in Afghanistan? Have they forgotten the atrocities women faced during the Taliban era? Do they know Canadians are currently helping millions of young girls go to school, work and rediscover their dignity as human beings?

This is only the latest controversy to hit this radical organization.

Founded in the ’60s, the QWF’s objective and raison d’etre was to reduce the inequities between men and women. At the time, it was a noble cause. Women were earning just a bit more than half what men made.

Today, they earn more than 87% of what men make — and more than 93% for younger women or those who have a university degree.

I guess he missed the study by the World Economic Forum widely published this past week, which begs to differ…

Canada loses ground in key areas of gender equality

From Thursday’s Globe and Mail

He goes on to call them a ”radical, ideological, left-leaning group.” and says they make the NDP look like a moderate centrist party.  Well, they are these days.  When you compare them to the so called centre, let alone the Tories.  It sounds like Mr. DuHaime doesn’t care much for political diversity (or the sight of unfettered breasts).   

This subsidizing of political activism needs to stop. Minister for Status of Women Rona Ambrose needs to tell those radical feminists the party is over.

These bra burners can have all the extreme and crazy ideas they want. They just need to stop talking in the name of all Quebec women and stop being funded by Canadian taxpayers.

In other words, he wants Rona Ambrose to tell that left-wing fringe group (women), to shut the fuck up!  Why do they publish this shit?  Why did the mainstream media practically ignore Ms. Joya’s speaking tour in Canada?  Has the making of war become our biggest import, after oil?  And why do the media not question the sudden coziness with China, who also continues to dissappear the dissenters?  We need to take back the country that believed in making peace.

2 comments to bra burners? Really?

  • ck

    Yanno, when I emailed you that column, I knew you could do it justice better than I could and I was right!

    Tomorrow, if I have time, and if I have the energy, and if we have electricity after this huge rain and windstorm we’re having in Montreal, I will give Mr. Eric Duhaime the vintage Ck verbal bitch slapping snark he so richly deserves!

    Thought you should have first crack at him though!

  • Kim

    Lol, go get him ck. I hope the storm passes without any problems, it’s going to be a wild winter I think!