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Josee Verner: Sore Winner/Loser

Or should I say, Senator Josee Verner.  I have a feeling she takes herself way too seriously. According to a report in La Presse today, she has basically told Quebec City mayor, Regis Labeaume to basically fuck himself. Minus the migraine inducing wardrobe and words like pinko elitist, she basically took a Don Cherry attitude toward him.

«La région de Québec n’a pas souhaité avoir de représentants au gouvernement», a déclaré Mme Verner au Soleil. «Il y a des élus ici qui ont gagné les circonscriptions, alors les gens devront faire appel à eux» a-t-elle ajouté, en faisant allusion aux néo-démocrates.

Here’s a crude Google Translation:

“The region of Quebec does not wish to have representatives in government,” said Ms. Verner Sun . “There are politicians here who have won their constituencies, then people will call them,” she added, referring to the NDP.

Apparently, M. Labeaume had thought that Mme Verner, as a senator, would continue to work for the Quebec region.  He thought wrong.

All that show not so long ago of her parading around, with her co Quebec Harpercons in Quebec Nordiques jerseys, having their pictures taken, was of course, nothing more than a plea to Stevie Spiteful to help them keep their seats. Of course, the whole ploy was unsuccessful.  Mme Verner obviously never cared for having the Nordiques back.  Don’t get me wrong, I was always dead set against a tax payer funded arena for billionaire hockey players in Quebec City or anywhere for that matter. Here, in Montreal, the Bell Centre, originally, the Molson Centre, was funded entirely by private money. It’s disheartening that she really doesn’t care about her home town, riding or region. However, as a typical politician showing that she too, appears to believe her entitlements supercede all.   Still, it’s hilarious that Verner’s true blue hypocrisy comes shining through now. It’s  maddening to see her as a sore loser? Winner? I don’t know what to call her, or Senator Touchdown or Fabian Manning anymore.

Oh, when asked if she would run again in the next election, here’s her all too predictable answer:

Elle n’en écarte pas la possibilité, mais elle n’aura aucune pression en ce sens.

«Le premier ministre ne me l’a pas demandé. Il m’a dit : “Je ne l’exige pas. Si un jour ça te tente, tu fais ce que tu veux, et si ça ne te tente pas, c’est correct aussi.”»

In English:

Josée Verner 51 years. Will she run again the next federal election? It does not exclude it possible, but it will have no pressure in this direction.

“The Prime Minister has not asked me. He said: “I do not require it. If you try it one day, you do what you want, and if that does not tempt you, that’s fine too.” “

Ain’t that precious?  She may well run again. And why the hell not?  Conferring with her new senate buddies Senator Touchdown and Fabian Manning, leaving the senate to run for office again appears to be really low risk.  No wonder she’s enjoying poking Mayor Labeaume in the eye.

And just think, boys ‘n’ girls, it appears that Stevie Spiteful will have twenty-five more of his flunkies and brown nosers to stack the senate with during his tenure.

The NDP does provide great arguments to be rid of that senate once and for all.  Just think of the savings to the tax payers as well!  Think how many programs we can improve with all that money!! Too bad it appears to be constitutionally impossible to do.





1 comment to Josee Verner: Sore Winner/Loser

  • janfromthebruce

    After 5 years of stacking the senate with party hacks and bagmen, the Canadian public will have had enough of the upper House of waste and rot! And getting rid of it isn’t really that hard.