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The Pension Plan fiasco. Who cares? There are few jobs for someone 60, let alone 65 or 67.

I've been watching bemusedly - and with no little horror - the arguments waged between elite media types, celebrated authors and lowly bloggers over Stephen Harper's hint about raising the qualification for old age pension from 65 to 67.

It's all academic, literally. What's not being considered in these finely-wrought debates and dissertations is that there is no work for those over 60, let alone 65, 67 (or as one pundit posited, 74). Period. What I'm reading on the subject of Harper's recent pronouncements (which I'm beginning to think are nothing more than sociopathic Republican-style fear-mongering) about pension are mere exercises in intellectual wankery.

Who cares what history or statistics tell a pundit or elite? Who cares what some young 'expert' on all things thinks when the reality is that it doesn't matter if you're 60, 65 or 74. There's no fucking work out there for elders, seniors, old folks, boomers, whatever derogatory clinical name you want to give us. Hell, there's barely enough work to go around for those in their twenties, let alone the older folks.

Stop, just stop it. If you want to be pedantic and analytical, fine. But bring some reality to your arguments, folks. Listen to some older people looking for work. Hit the pavement with me on an average work search day. This is not about statistics and history. It's about people.

Xposted at Let Freedom Rain

2 comments to The Pension Plan fiasco. Who cares? There are few jobs for someone 60, let alone 65 or 67.

  • Linda

    There are University graduates slinging beer for a living. What jobs for seniors does Harper mean? A 65, 66, year old person, wouldn’t be hired for any labor jobs. Company’s would have compensation to worry about. They wouldn’t even get a job as a dishwasher. Even if a senior has a higher education, there are just no jobs to be had.

    Since Harper won his majority, there have been no jobs in Canada for six months. He refuses to answer why is it, Canadians shop in the U.S. and save up to 50%? They save big bucks, by gassing up their vehicles in the U.S.

    I certainly hope Harper and his Conservatives will not get their pensions, until they are all 67 years old. All politicians should have to wait until they are 67, to get their gold plated pensions. I think their outrageous salary’s are sufficient enough, they can pay their own pensions out of their own pockets. They also have expense accounts, used for the entire family to travel to visit them. The wealthy should not get the OAS. The wealthy should be paying for their own hospital procedures and premiums. The gigantic corporations and the wealthy should be taxed 30% off the top. Why should wealthy business owners, pay less in taxes than their employee’s? They even brag about it.

    That’s what I call fair. Can you imagine the squealing at the trough?