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Ex-Lax Max Tries to Stay Relevent By Sucking Up To Stevie

Ex-Lax Max wrote this idiotic letter to La Presse today basically praising Stevie and fellow Harpercon inactions. Like that all important part of neo-con mantra, he is chanting the ol’ ‘scientific community can’t agree on climate change’ or ‘we have become to politically correct for real debate’.   Ex-Lax Max has put all kinds of spin on the whole Climate change issue. That ol’ ‘wait and see’ attitude. He also takes a the simpleton approach of saying Global warming is caused by the sun.  Wow! Amazing the things that come out of his mouth when Bimbo Julie is no longer around.

Unfortunately, when thugs of the 21st century like Osama Bin Laden come out on the side of climate change, it just confirms the lies neo-cons tell and gives a paranoid and greedy western society further excuses to continue the incorrect behaviors. Obviously, the climate change argument needs a better messenger than Osama Bin Laden, who himself is hypocritical given his method of terror on 9/11; many who were working and living around ground zero are still suffering from health issues to the nasty air quality.  However, sadly, he is right. After all, the terrorists have won due to some very poor American character  traits like waste, materialism and greed. They feed on it. Those very traits are what’s killing the planet.

Please, those arguing for that ol’ wait and see approach to climate change: what exactly is it you’re waiting for?  To continue to see how much GHG pollution we can allow before we damage the planet to the point of no return?  If  society is allowed to go on polluting and not changing their ways, planet earth will eventually be wrecked beyond repair. By then, we’d be asking ourselves (assuming we’re alive or not too sick  to be able to talk about it)  why didn’t we take care before? What is so wrong about all of us taking precautions in the way we live our everyday lives? Have we become too lazy to recycle, bring the reusable bags shopping, walk, ride the bike or use public transit and leave the car at home; choose more enviro-friendly products and services: these options do exist; for example: Sister Sage’s Musings is using a green host?  Why can’t we use green technology to create green jobs?  Would somebody once and for all answer these questions truthfully?

If a life of greed, waste and materialistic wealth is such a good thing that helps society immensely, then why does everyone go out of their way to find justification for it, or even try to punch holes in the science rather than admit that they’d rather go on with their greed, waste and materialism?  I, for one, am sick of the lies.  Come on, deniers, just say you refuse to go anywhere without your gas guzzling vehicle or take the time to recycle and /or compost,  and not be bothered looking for green services and products, won’t you? They say the first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one. Pity, it doesn’t take that much effort.

Oh and Ex-Lax Max, no matter how much you suck up to Master Stevie, he isn’ t going to give you a ministry. You blew that with your little Monica Lewinsky-ish scandal and blindness leading to your secret papers being discovered by said bimbo. Go back to the private sector; go back to practising law.

1 comment to Ex-Lax Max Tries to Stay Relevent By Sucking Up To Stevie

  • CanNurse

    Good one, Ck! love the “Ex-lax Max”! My bet is that Maxie was saying eggzactly what Steve had told him to say – since this is Steve’s church’s view (my inside track, again.) Harp gets it out there to “test the waters” so to speak, while if it doesn’t fly, Max is the one who looks stoopid. Just a guess, but…???