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Who Knew ‘Balanced & Objective’ Media Was So Far Slanted to the Right? Audits & Accountability

That is, according to  Jojo Blue. Lorrie Goldstein happens to be her favourite (or one of them anyway). Who knew the Reverend Goldstein was neutral and non-partisan? By the by, the Reverend Lorrie Goldstein would like us to know that the Christian left and their social justice is far more detrimental to society than the Christian Right and their backwards way of  life and thinking.  I would ordinarily find this funny, but with the short attention span of the Timmy’s crowd and their willingness to swallow any kool-aid du jour due to an unwillingness to research further into such matters, they could well start believing that the Christian right. Not that it hasn’t started happening.

I think what Jojo and her groupies at her comments section really mean is that even those who are neutral and actually report the news without prejudice or bias as the job description would dictate, are really too many lefty ‘media hacks’ to bear.

Yes, Mary T, the good and the astute are no doubt catching your comments.  Be sure to cross your t s and dot your i s.

Sammy, if you actually thought outside the box, you would find that Jean Lapierre may well have a few axes to grind with his former party?  Just how ‘balanced’ is that?

Then, of course, those Blogging Romper Roomies who are now chastising the CBC for not opening themselves up for an audit. It begs the question if they would feel the same way if the CBC were towing the Good Ship Harpercon 100% of the time?

Oh, Joanne and her fan club would be happy to know that the balanced Chuckles Adler just showed his impartiality on Question Period a few minutes ago. He really impressed the veteran Craig Oliver with it.  All three major parties are guilty of hiding their books from the auditor general.  Ol’ Chuckles really blamed Iggy and only Iggy and is counting on Brother Steve to save the day and open the books.

Well, Chuckles, Marlene Jennings, a Liberal MP seems to be the first to have opened her books.  So no, Chuckles, Steve didn’t come riding on his white horse to save the day on accountability and transparency.

As for Question Period, I realize they’re few and far between, and really require some digging,  but can’t you find at least one left of center or even a neutral talk radio hosts to add to the wingnut panel of John Tory and ol’ Chuckles? Really!

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