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Now, That’s Not Pure Conservatism Now Is It?

Well, well, well, corporate welfare for Fox News North!  I never want to hear whining and shrieking about tax dollars going to the ‘Liberal’ CBC again! Not ever!

By the by, according to Fagstein’s Tweet

Péladeau calls it “Sun Media News”. Video calls it “Sun News”. Website is Next time, settle on a name first.

I would say this is all getting off to a flying start. What say you, boys and girls?

1 comment to Now, That’s Not Pure Conservatism Now Is It?

  • Torontonian

    I thought the Sun media people were all and always
    against corporate welfare. Yet Sun and Quebecor
    wants a suckle at the teat of corporate welfare and
    the taxpayer dollar.

    They don’t or can’t understand their contradictory
    nature between their editorial stands and their
    dealings with big government. Quebecor will pay dearly
    for this just like CanWest has been shown up for the
    empty suits and lying people they are.

    When we get the next government, there will be major
    changes in public policy and we can look forward to
    a restoration of Canada to what it was like 10 years
    ago. Until then, we’ve got to work to stop the
    Harpers from commiting further wreckage on this land.