How the hell does Harris-Decima come out with a poll that has Steve bouncing back overnight–So soon after Ipsos-Reid releasing their poll having Harpercon and Liberals’ numbers much closer together? How could Stevie spiteful be already on the rebound? Not like Steve’s changed his mind regarding the census or his big assed private prisons to house unreported criminals or those who play nickel and dime poker games or the poor girl receiving ‘guests’ in the privacy of her own home. Allan Gregg of Harris Decima has a rather feeble explanation:
“What you see is an ongoing resilience in the Conservative support base,” he said. “If they get a little period of relative quiet, their vote comes back quite quickly whereas the Liberals have a very, very hard time getting any sustained traction.”
Translation: tea-baggers of the North and Sun Media loyals like Brian Lilley always on the ready to slam the Liberals. Liberal derangement syndrome. However, even Gregg had to admit the Liberals have improved and that if an election were held today, Steve would probably still win, but his minority would be significantly reduced. Whatever seats they may have had in Quebec would be wiped out and they could lose seats in Ontario. That alone should get us to get the opposition to an election.
Gregg is also saying neither party wants an election at this time. Well, folks, like my previous post asks, can we try to fix that? I mean, let’s get the opposition to be more enthused with an election with cooperation from the NDP? Let’s do it before there is no return? Let’s at least, cripple Steve’s power.
You can’t compare different polling #’s from different pollsters for trend lines.. you can only do that for polls of the same pollster.
ck Reply:
August 10th, 2010 at 8:03 PM
Perhaps not, but there is a significant discrepancy between the Ipsos and the Harris-Decima number.
hi CK…I wouldn’t worry too much. Two out of three ain’t bad,the trend is generally downwards, and if he lost some feathers in the summer imagine how many he’s going to lose when the summer ends and Canadians really pay attention. Swiss Chalet or St Hubert ?