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Harpercon Junction — Another Thing For Harpercons To Blame on Quebec

Just came back from Montreal Simon’s post,  Stephen Harper and Daddy Knows Best in response to Lawrence Martin’s latest effort regarding sweater vest Stevie and his backward puritanical wet dreams of how Canada should look in his view.   I agree with Simon, this really isn’t one of Martin’s best efforts, in fact it’s one of his worst I’ve ever read. For one, I have to ask Martin if he’s only figuring this out now?  The evidence has been around for some time now. If Steve, himself ain’t pushing it, then certainly his MPs or cheerleaders have. Cheerleaders like Kory Klan’s pride & Joy, Lorrie Goldstein check Jymn’s comment at the bottom of this post).  I’m surprised Martin hadn’t noticed the pattern with Steve on so many issues.

Tough on crime comes to mind.  Harpercon flunkies attempt to push their big-assed super prisons while crime stats go down. I mean, before ol’ Stock nearly gave himself a nosebleed, coming up with the brainstorm about all that ‘unreported’ crime. Columnists like Goldstein, pundits and MPs were saying that our crime rates were still much higher than those prior to the 60s.

Then there is the appointment of David Johnston, someone who stepped right out of  ”The Man In The Grey Flannel Suit”, a novel and movie starring Gregory Peck.

Not to mention,  blogging Suppositories like FrmGrl (I mean, how much more backward can you get with a title like Chasing Apple Pie?), Hunter, or from those too insane to be a Blogging SupposiTory like Wendy “Girl on the Wrong” Sullivan all longing for days when women and other visible minorities ‘knew their place’ and no one dared to speak against their government.

Yes, many want things the way they were during the era of “Leave it To Beaver” or “Petticoat Junction”. Why is Lawrence Martin only catching on to this now?  More importantly, why would Martin say that the 50s were a ‘better era‘? One almost gets the feeling after reading that column that Martin feels nostalgic longing for the “good ol’ days”; that Steve could easily sell it if he weren’t executing such bullying tactics.

Martin also points out a few inaccuracies: Steve would be the most intrusive government (Bill C-42, airport underwear scans or G20 police State Toronto anyone?) and yes, Stevie spiteful will raise taxes, particularly on the middle/working class; not his rich friends.  At the end of the day, somebody has to pay for his communications, F-35s, G20 costs, pork barrelling, and undoing everything previous governments and generations had built.

Mr. Harper’s priorities bring back images of a 1950s Canada. There’s a big focus on family values, pride in the armed forces, the monarchy, the Arctic, law and order, hockey, unintrusive government, low taxes. The vision is the true north strong and free and – with respect to its supreme ruler – on bended knee.

Martin did, however, confirm something most Canadians already knew though, through a Harpercon flunkie.

I was talking to one of his former close advisers recently and, reflecting the Prime Minister’s view, he launched into a tirade about how good Canada used to be until Pierre Trudeau came along with all that “hippie bullshit.” He spoke of how Mr. Harper was in fact a very old-fashioned type and how he had immense pride in the country. This is hard to square with some of his derisive remarks about the place, but many of those did come while Canada was under Liberal rule.

The above statement also confirms why Steve wanted to be Prime Minister in the first place; to undo all that “damage”  Trudeau, Tommy Douglas (introduction of medicare) and others did to move Canada forward. Things like legalizing homosexuality and the beginnings of legalized abortion. Social programs like universal health care. All those terrible things that tend to get Stevie spiteful’s intestinal tract tied like a pretzel.  We also read and hear of those bitching about how Trudeau spent money on those social programs; just ruined the country; just ruined it, I tell you! Ah, the hypocrisy! They benefit from programs like medicare and other progressive measures Trudeau and other subsequent policians put into place.  As I’ve pointed out on several occasions, unleash Steve with a majority and he will undo all and those Harpercon cheerleaders will be the first to whine and bitch when they’re no longer there for them to access when they need them.

And guess who these con idiots blame this dastardly progress and advance on?  Yes, boys and girls, Quebec; la belle province.  That dastardly Quiet Revolution under the evul Jean Lesage.  Quebec, in Steve’s view, it would seem, started that trend of  turning Canada into the “European welfare state of the worst kind…” Quebec is stopping Steve from bringing Canada back to Maurice Duplessis’s Periode Noirceur. Perhaps Steve is channelling Duplessis these days. Love how Quebec becomes a convenient scapegoat.

What’s happened this past decade is that Quebec has lost its long-time leverage. No one cares much about its priorities now that the separatist blackmail threat, the sword of Damocles, has been removed.

A telling statement, really.  It further confirms that Steve doesn’t care as much to keep Quebec within Canada as much as his predecessors did. I daresay, after reading many comment boards and the blogging SupposiTories, that quite possibly, Steve would boot Quebec out of Canada if given his majority so he can continue pushing  his “Back To The Future” agenda. Yikes!

I agree with Simon, Stevie spiteful is more like the Godfather than “Father Knows Best” or Ward Cleever.  We must get Steve out of office, or at the very least, shrink his minority significantly before we end up in 1950s hell. No, wait! Never mind that; think Depression Era 30s hell or better still, back in the days of dinosaurs, just the way ol’ Stock likes it.  Stevie Spiteful ain’t no right on Daddy-O.

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