Archived posts

Happy Halloween From Stephen Harper’s Office


Yes, Stevie would like to wish a Happy Halloween to Canadians in a way only he would know how, in a costume so fitting for for him, wouldn’t you say?

Wishful thinking? Fox News calls Obama ‘former president’


It doesn’t get more blatant than this. For a network caught many times manipulating images of liberals and placing the word ‘Democrat’ or ‘D‘ under pictures of Republicans caught doing bad things, this is a new low. The network just can’t help itself. It really is that evil.

. . . → Read More: Wishful thinking? Fox News calls Obama ‘former president’

Islamofascists Infiltrate NASA


How else* can you explain this pernicious left-wing propaganda?


*Random example out of, let’s say, 3,680,000.

Did Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert Rally Restore Sanity?


I had caught bits and pieces of the live feed of Restore Sanity and/or Fear Rally yesterday as well as short reviews of  the event on both Twitter and the Blogosphere which were, of course, mixed.  I think it turned out to be an event that many, including myself, didn’t expect it would . . . → Read More: Did Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert Rally Restore Sanity?

I Hate Socialized Medicine!*


(*Except when it’s saving my life.)

Doesn’t exactly transfer to Canada, though I am sure there are plenty of Glenn Beck conspiracy theorists here who believe universal health care is the foul work of the Illuminati under the guidance of the communo-socio-nazi-fascists (or vice versa), even as they’re getting their angioplasties and complaining . . . → Read More: I Hate Socialized Medicine!*

Best 60′s band you’ve never heard of: Buffalo Springfield


Buffalo Springfield were a magic band of my 60′s. It featured the young Neil Young, Steven Stills and Richie Furay. It was phenomenal group of musicians and personalities who never received its proper acclaim.

Forty some years later, Young gathered the group for a benefit concert, just last weekend in fact. It was . . . → Read More: Best 60′s band you’ve never heard of: Buffalo Springfield

the bridge

Tweet I am a Metis person.  What does that mean to me?  I am native to North America.  I have French ancestry.  I have Native Ancestry.    Whatever…   The relevant point is that it does not matter, we are all brown people now.  We need to realise that races of people have become . . . → Read More: the bridge

Haiti Cholera Update #4


According to the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), MSPP (Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population) reports, as of today, 30 October 2010, there have been 330 deaths from cholera and 4,714 confirmed cases. This represents a crude mortality rate of 14.28%. Cholera treated promptly has a mortality rate of 1-2%.

PAHO also issued a . . . → Read More: Haiti Cholera Update #4

Let’s Scare Them Away From The Election! Oh yeah! Feelin’ That “Freedom” Now!


I hear often about our abysmal voter turnouts while Afghans and Iranians show up to vote under fear of violence. Funny how the US and now Canada in Afghanistan go shove the values of democracy down their throats. Shouldn’t the US (and Canada for that matter) learn how democracy works before trying to . . . → Read More: Let’s Scare Them Away From The Election! Oh yeah! Feelin’ That “Freedom” Now!

Holy shit. One third of American female soldiers raped.


This is absolute insanity. At least one out of every three American woman soldiers is raped by fellow soldiers.

A congresswoman said Thursday that her “jaw dropped” when military doctors told her that four in 10 women at a veterans hospital reported being sexually assaulted while in the military.

A government report indicates . . . → Read More: Holy shit. One third of American female soldiers raped.

Rally to Restore Sanity makes for a jealous media


Strange that a mock rally featuring two comedians could stir up such feelings of jealousy and turn journalists into concern trolls for Jon Stewart*. While details of the rally has yet to be released (an itinerary here, for those who believe it’s real), speculation is already rampant in the beltway that it will . . . → Read More: Rally to Restore Sanity makes for a jealous media

Catch 22 Harper Conservative Poster–Revised!


Following their meeting in Ottawa, Nick Fillmore who had been giving me the specs for the poster asked me to do some tweaking. Well, it’s done! Hope you like it, folks!

On Mr. Kathy Shaidle, Small Dead Animals and welfare queens


No small amount of amusement is being enjoyed by many on the left over the juxtapalooza going on over in the far reaches of the Canadian (and American) wingnutosphere. One of the welfare-hating superstar clan of the axis of BlazingCatShaidle-Mark Steyn-Small Dead Animals evil has been hit with a lawsuit, it would appear . . . → Read More: On Mr. Kathy Shaidle, Small Dead Animals and welfare queens

Dear Sheila Fynes

Tweet Soldier’s mother wants DND apology ‘They knew he was sick, and now he’s dead’: Sheila Fynes on Stuart Langridge

Read more:   Dear Ms. Fynes;   I want to express my deepest condolences for the death of your son, Cpl. Stuart Langridge.  He was a Canadian Hero, and I just know that . . . → Read More: Dear Sheila Fynes

Condie Rice Comin’ To TO?


Why, oh why? Lessee…

Rob Ford is perhaps feeling festive over his win and decided to celebrate by inviting an American high priced call girl.  Perhaps Officer Bubbles will be hired to do security.

H/T: Thwap

New Evidence Makes Social Conservatives Pro-Choice


Charles McVety just found a reason to support abortion on demand.

Haiti Cholera Update #3


The Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) reports as of  yesterday, 27 October 2010, there have been 292 deaths from cholera and 4,147 confirmed cases. This represents a crude mortality rate of 14.2%. Cholera promptly treated has a mortality rate of 1-2%. There was no situation report issued yesterday, and these numbers are taken from the . . . → Read More: Haiti Cholera Update #3

Meet the Tea-Party Candidates! Ain’t They a Fun Bunch? Fun Enough To Destroy The US


Seems that many plan to stay home come election day, November 2. Keith Olbermann goes over the Tea-party candidates in all their wingnuttiness with all their destructive goals, who’s chances of winning increase,with potentially too many of the disillusioned who plan to stay home and not vote.

Meet your candidates, folks. Candidates the . . . → Read More: Meet the Tea-Party Candidates! Ain’t They a Fun Bunch? Fun Enough To Destroy The US

Oh, Motherhood Stevie Spiteful, You Must Be So Proud!


I thought Bill C-510 AKA Roxanne’s Law was dead and had it’s well deserved burial. Guess I was wrong. I’m not rehashing the background. Go here if you want it.

I’m smelling the same tactic that is happening in various states across the border, yanno, the one where the keep chipping away at . . . → Read More: Oh, Motherhood Stevie Spiteful, You Must Be So Proud!

Laila goes viral!


Laila Yuile posted a breaking story yesterday, exposing hidden “shadow taxes” on the infamous “Sea-to-sky highway”.  Must read.  Today she reports that her site metre was smokin’!  Both stories here.

Tonight, our Premier has spent our tax dollars on a 1/2 hour spot on his personal PR Firm GlobalTV, corus radio and local . . . → Read More: Laila goes viral!