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the bridge

I am a Metis person.  What does that mean to me?  I am native to North America.  I have French ancestry.  I have Native Ancestry. 
The relevant point is that it does not matter, we are all brown people now.  We need to realise that races of people have become redundant.  We need to act as a consortium, a collective.  We need to realise that the decisions we make now will affect our grandchildren. 
The Metis People have always been a bridge between colonial culture and native culture.  We have generally been seen as “betwixt and between”, as in not quite right, by either culture.  But I maintain that the Metis is a bridge between cultures in general.  We can overcome the differences that divide cultures and bring them  together.  We, as a people, need to come together and back eachother up, so that the rank and file citizen has a hope in hell of attaining justice, once in a while…

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