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Site Issues

As many of you may have noticed, my site looked pretty deformed and distorted all day and evening.

I was informed that somehow, my template got changed. Have no idea how, for the life of me, as I am the sole administrator of this site and I know I haven’t tinkered with anything. Wouldn’t dare! Code frightens me enough!

Anyhow, as you noticed, I have selected a typical wordpress cookie cutter which is supposed to have a right hand sidebar. Well, that sidebar is at the bottom of the page, thus still making it look messy and confusing.  I have asked a techie friend to give me a hand with this  and hopefully, a miracle can be salvaged from this.

For the time being, please be patient, and to the trolls out there, don’t worry your pretty little heads, we will all be back with avengeance as soon as this problem with the site is resolved.  We’re all still very much  alive and kicking!

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