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Will This Week Make A Bit Of Difference

Yes, that’s right, the cynic in me is back. Now I just want to start out by saying that I am the last person who would ever presume that Canadians don’t care about their parliament or their politics. I think they do. They care when parliament is arguing about issues that actually matter to them; pensions, doctors, drug prices, costs of living, etc. These are real issues that REALLY matter to REAL people in Canada. For those few of us who really do delve into the nitty gritty that is parliament hill we tend to take at face value that all Canadians will be as righteously outraged as we will be about certain things i.e. corruption in government, patronage appointments, the two contempt charges currently being met out against the government and the spending being dealt out by the government to convince the public of it’s good government. Do Canadians care about these kinds of thins? Yes, of course they do. Do these kinds of things actually make Canadians want an election? Hell no. How many times do Canadians have to send minority parliaments to Ottawa before politicians and the chatterers like us realize that, and I’m going to emphasize this, THEY WANT PARLIAMENTARIANS TO WORK TOGETHER FOR THEIR (CANADIANS) BENEFIT. An election will not return anything of vast difference then what we have seen since the Paul Martin minority. Whether Liberal minority or Conservative, the agenda will continue to be set by the neo-liberal ruling class which is headed by multinational corporations. It makes absolutely ZERO difference whether or not the Conservatives of the Liberals rule in Ottawa. One group pretends to be left of center, when they aren’t, and the other lies about it’s motivations, when we know what they are.

Canadians have said their peace. This is one of the leading reasons why people don’t show up to the polls. They don’t honestly feel that parliament is actually working for them, but rather cares more about short term partisan advantage and one or two more percentage point gains. Do I want an election? Yes. Do I despise Harper and what he has done to Ottawa and the rest of Canada? Yes. But do Canadians at large feel the same way I do? Not a chance. Most Canadians really just get along to go along. They just want sound and honest government. They haven’t gotten this for almost a full decade at the least and are turning off to politics by and large.  It would actually go a long way for the Conservatives and the NDP, for example, to meet on  common interests and actually make parliament work. It could be the Liberals to. Canadians have made their point and it’s about time that parliamentarians actually LISTENED for once.

4 comments to Will This Week Make A Bit Of Difference

  • ck

    Ah, but to many Canadians these days, after attending town halls and reading comment boards, ‘making parliament work’ means a Harpercon totalitarian regime. They don’t want opposition. When opposition parties get, well, oppositional, the media and by extension, voters, scream to the high hills. I read a comment from one who said he wants to see both the Liberals and NDP with not enough seats for party status. Another one last year who says she wanted to see the opposition parties disappear altogether. They’re not only not afraid of Harper’s secrecy, lack of accountability, and dictatorial style; they embrace it!

    Polls may say that health care is upper most on Canadians’ minds. But you know what? After attending town halls, no one asks a single health care question; not a one! The last one I attended, were all comments and questions about Israel. How Harper is ‘best for Israel’. They indicated how sore they still are over a remark Iggy made criticizing Israel in 2006 (they didn’t specify what remark or when precisely; I’m guessing it was following the Israeli bombing of Lebanon). Other questions at that town hall and others were how would their party protect Anglo rights in Quebec. Silly question, because Bill 101 is a provincial matter and no federal politician can do anything about it.

    As for that whole not voting thing. I have a sneaking suspicion, voter turn up will be higher than in 2008, just to make sure there will be no more pesky election talk, ever; to give Harper his majority.

    What is despicable is that they act like a bunch of spoiled ungrateful brats that we have free elections. While folks in the Middle-East risk life and limb, taking to the streets demanding democracy, which of course includes free elections, most Canadians will be happy not having ‘em.

  • Linda

    If you Google: Harper’s plot of, a Global Governance for Canada. That should scare the hell out of people, but it doesn’t. They don’t see, Our Constitution, Civil Rights and Liberties, Democracy and Freedom, have all been taken away from the Canadian citizens. That is a fascist, dictator regime we are living under. Why does our government give, billions of our tax dollars to, banks, mines, huge corporations, gas and oil company’s? I watched that motion passed, on the House of Commons TV channel. They also get, huge tax reductions. Now Harper gave big business another tax reduction, this one will come off Canadians pay checks. They don’t see, our government thieves from the people, to give to big business. Do Canadians ever ask themselves, why?

    ck Reply:

    No, apparently they don’t. In fact, they’re all ga ga giddy over it. They believe in Reagan’s trickle down economics, although it proved to be quite the failure. I remember even reading comment boards from a Michael Bliss article where he wrote that the uber rich should be uber taxed, basically, and the panic that those commenters exhibited! ‘Why they’d leave Canada, and then where would we be?’ type of thing. In otherwords, suck up to big business and the wealthiest or they’ll leave and the middle class will suffer, which we all know is hog wash–these corporations and uber rich don’t contribute much to the community to begin with.

  • Linda

    It would be the best thing for the country, if the huge wealthy corporations pulled out of Canada. They won’t though, there are too many resources to plunder. Can’t the provinces manage their own resources? They can, however, big money is paid by big business to the premier and the political party, that favors them the most. Corruption and greed, is what governs. Politicians are only the mouth pieces for huge company’s that call the shots.

    Harper has changed his mind, and now doesn’t want an election now. There are two Conservatives held in contempt, by the House of Commons. He was meeting with the opposing party’s separately to negotiate his budget with them. Jack Layton, had already capitulated on Harper’s demand, to lower taxes for these huge businesses again. I expect Layton, to agree with Harper’s budget as well. Ignatieff wanted Harper to delete the lowering of the corporate tax. I expect Ignatieff will eventually cave in too. There is a rumor, Layton will retire next year, so I don’t expect him to oppose Harper either.

    Canadian citizens will continue to be thieved from. Even our HST, was designed for big business. BC is a province of natural resources, the HST does nothing for the BC people, what-so-ever. BC citizens are very used to, being thieved from and lied to. The BCR wasn’t for sale. The HST wasn’t on Campbell, Hansen and Harper’s radar. We now know, that was all set up. before the BC election.