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Most Clear Insight Into Harper’s Mind Thusfar…

While perusing a Toronto Star article today entitled Harper’s Tories Leave Mulroney Cold I came across this quote from an annonymous Tory MP:

“Being in power is better than not being in power,”

I don’t think a more clear insight into the mind of Stephen Harper has ever been offered up. He’s run the last 5 years attempting to cover up scandals, shutter parliament to avoid serious issues, turfed independant, arms length watchdogs because they disagreed with the Conservative government, and he’s plain LIED about Ignatieff wanting a coalition.

Here’s my question: what more does the public need to see and hear from this man to know that if he get’s a majority, Canada really will be changed forever?

Think long and hard before you cast you ballot on May 2nd. What kind of Canada do you want?

3 comments to Most Clear Insight Into Harper’s Mind Thusfar…

  • I want a Canada that doesn’t seem available anymore. It is gone now.

  • G.J.W.

    I don’t like Harper’s agenda of, Global Governance for Canada. If Harper wins a majority, be prepared to kiss Canada good-bye.

    The Attorney General will not release the final report of, illegal misspent moneys for the G8 summit. The A.G. said, the House has to sit, before she can do so. Perhaps Harper will prorogue Parliament yet again, to avoid the money questions, he doesn’t want to answer for. 1.2 billion spent on a fake lake? Disgraceful waste of our tax dollars!!!

    Canada is a cesspool of corruption. Will the next P.M. in office, be willing to do a deep purge, to rid this country of the corruption, that is killing Canada? I guess that will be a, wait and see.

    It is the, greedy, wealthy, huge corporations that are causing the corruption and the recession. These giant corporations hoard all of the money, which then stops the cash flow around the globe, which in turn causes a recession. It was big business who, paid Campbell big bucks to keep the HST. We all know Campbell never passes up a buck. We all remember, the dirty tactics Campbell used. Everything Campbell and the BC Liberals touched, they fouled. We also know, Campbell works for Harper. They are certainly peas in a pod, one is just as evil, as the other.

    Our Canada is not safe, with Harper at the helm. Google: Harper delivers his plan of, Global Governance for Canada. This is Harper’s true, evil agenda.

    Logan Reply:

    In the interests of accuracy, the fake lake actually cost 58,000, but I take your point.