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Anonymous targets Koch brothers

This could be fun. The Koch’s astroturf Tea Party organization Americans for Prosperity is currently under attack and is not accessible. That’s just the start.

The group, which was responsible for taking MasterCard Worldwide offline for an entire day — along with numerous other organizations that plotted against secrets outlet WikiLeaks — said it would now be “actively seeking vulnerabilities” in Koch industries.

“In a world where corporate money has become the lifeblood of political influence, the labor unions are one of the few ways citizens have to fight against corporate greed,” the release added. “Anonymous cannot ignore the plight of the citizen-workers of Wisconsin, or the opportunity to fight for the people in America’s broken political system. For these reasons, we feel that the Koch brothers threaten the United States democratic system and, by extension, all freedom-loving individuals everywhere.”

Hashtag: #OpWisconsin

1 comment to Anonymous targets Koch brothers

  • I love Anonymous. I don’t think they have done one thing so far that I disagree with. In fact, I applaud all of their actions. If the powers-that-be continue to strip our freedoms from us, then groups like Anonymous will only gain more acceptance in the world.