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Conservatives: to hell with the courts. Where’s the outrage?

Conservatives and family gather in Chicago to re-enact the 'good ol' days'

With the Wheat Board fiasco roaring, the Conservatives don’t seem to care about rule of law or even ‘the normal legislative process’.

How are Canadians not being affected by this obvious abuse of law?

Aren’t the Conservatives the ‘law and order’ party?

Shouldn’t the news of this abuse be shouted in headlines in every news agency in Canada?

Where’s the outrage, let alone the mockery for such blatant hypocrisy?

Worst of all, it’s just a replay of the same old tape.

Cross Posted at Let Freedom Rain

2 comments to Conservatives: to hell with the courts. Where’s the outrage?

  • Yours an excellent question. Coincidentally, I posted something on my blog this morning that suggests the kind of contempt for both ethics and the rule of law shown by the Harper government can’t help but deform the Canadian soul over the long-term.

  • Priscilla Judd

    Hey – great post – I sent this out on twitter (hard to make small) – a lot of us are thinking along the same lines:

    if gov “rules” by the LAW (electionAct) then shows no respect for the law (WheatBoard decision) then Gov negates their legitimacy to govern.