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Why Harpercons and other Neocons Have a Clear Advantage and Why it Must Change

After reading that title, anyone scared? You should be, that is, unless, of course, you are a neo-con and even then, much like the tea-baggers south of the border, they are only swallowing what today’t corporatist media is spoon feeding them. Like their tea-bagging friends, most don’t have a clue what they’re signing up.

Yes, today’s right slanted corporatist media, owned by Harpercon friendly corporations and individuals are running the show. They would only hire and publish or allow on the airwaves like minded writers, hosts and pundits. They are great at not only spoonfeeding what they want their audiences to swallow, but to brainwash them into thinking listening, watching or reading anyone else would be dangerous: anybody outside their media outfits are nothing more than crazy lefty liars and/or elitists. How else did ol’ Steve have a ‘great 2009′ as columnists from National Posties and Grope and Fail (don’t remember who came up with that one, but I like the term) say he had? How else did Stevie’s numbers remain within majority grasp in spite of his transgressions?

Columnists and the Blogging Tories are all touting ol’ Stevie as THE man of the year; the politician of the year. L. Ian Thompson of the Montreal Gazette, not be outdone by his brethren at the other  Harpercon friendly bird cage liners, goes in so far as to call ol’ Stevie the politician of the decade!

Years ago, we would have been outraged at the allegations of torturing war detainees, no matter how bad they might have been. We would have been even more outraged at the cover up. We certainly wouldn’t have allowed a sitting Prime minister to prorogue parliament over some unpleasantness they’re confronted with, or at the very least, we would have put up the good fight.

Nowadays, the corporatist media just simply feeds us the typical party line: why should we care about what happens to the Terrible Taliban? They through acid in girls’ faces: they’ve repressed women for so long. Most, like the screeching blogging tories, run with this. Never do they stop and think  about the fact that torturing detainees is in blatant violation of the Geneva Convention: it breaks international law.   These right wingnuts claim to love Steve and the Harpercons because of  their ideas for maintaining law and order. Well, what kind of example do our leaders set when they, themselves break the law? How would they like to see their precious Uncle Stevie before the international tribunal in The Hague? I know that I would and so would many of my friends.

Stevie’s latest proroguation is far more sinister and evil than last year’s. What’s more outrageous about this latest proroguation is that it was done over the phone!  All the columnists and pundits are out. The Blogging Tories are blogging away with glee. Funny how they whined about the coalition being undemocratic but this proroguation is perfectly ok by them.

Last year, it was about not losing power. This year, it’s about setting the stage for the next federal election and getting the right slanted media to get Canadians to not only like it, but to embrace it.  He is worse than a schoolyard bully. He knows he has the numbers within majority grasp, but he must keep pummelling it would seem.With the Liberals at an all time low in disarray, he is coming up with a poison pill for Jim Flaherty to hand down, like to stop whatever stimulus spending was left to be done, cut all social programs, perhaps even sell off crown corporations to private enterprises (no doubt, heavily deregulated; caused the recession  but who cares, because greed must prevail, right?).  Basically, ol’ Stevie’s message in typical schoolyard bully form is:

…put the Liberals on notice that they must either accept that his government will act as though it has a majority, or be prepared to drop the government on the next budget. This only hours after Mr. Ignatieff felt obliged in year end interviews to stand down from his strategy of election mongering that had squandered so much of his credibility last year.

The Liberals appear to be without a leader these days. Iggy is incognito for the most part with the exception of a few appearances and year end speeches. Whatever speaking is happening, is coming Bob Rae and other members of the Liberal Party. One can only think Iggy is on the way out and the Liberals are regrouping and attempting to plot new strategy yet again.

Even Norman Spector, another useless hack, is now predicting an April election. All are in agreement he is planning his majority. More than a majority, but a totalitarian regime, it would seem.

Now, with the help of a video from Pale Cold of  A Creative Revolution: here is a little reminder as to who Stevie and his nasty little ”friends” are:

Yes, also let’s be reminded of another dangerous thing about ol’ Stevie: his membership of that Evangelical far right Christian sub-culture. You know, that sub-culture that is anti everything and everyone? That very same sub culture that boast a membership with the likes of See Sawah run, Georgie, Dickie and Mike Hunckapee?

Earlier, I saw a blog  discussing this latest and very sinister proroguation from the Jurist from Accidental Deliberations.

Sure, Harper’s prorogation once again made a mockery of our democracy. But since we can’t be bothered to do anything about it, we’ll chalk it up as a win for him.

Discouraging? Absolutely, but more than that, we should be terrified. Here’s why. When even now, fans of Harper such as columnists and opinion writers from the Grope And Fail criticize this proroguation as underhanded and undemocratic and when an Asper paper such as the Ottawa Citizen are allowing musings about ol’ Stevie’s aspirations for turning Canada into a dictatorship, this should send alarm bells to all, yes, even so-called centrists or small ‘c’ consevatives (if they even exist anymore).

Speaking of whom, ever notice how easy it is to push them to Stevie’s far right these days? Wasn’t hard to do: threaten evil socialism and the evils of Joseph Stalin did it. Corporatist media machine again over using and misusing the evil ‘S’ word.  Well, one way to swing them further left is to perhaps bring up General Pinochet’s Chile and other Military Junta regimes.

The Jurist is sadly right here; our complacency is one of the reasons why we’re inching closer and closer to an American styled health care system. It’s why we have become a laughing stock on the world stage. No L. Ian Macdonald, lay off the meds, ol’ Stevie is not a great force on the world stage (L. Ian really does think he’s a force on the world stage; read it to believe it!).

It is time for the Liberals and the NDP to get more aggressive. Hell, it’s time for them to merge already.

I have another question that I’m hoping a blogging tory can answer or someone like that: How come it’s only ok for ol’ Stevie to use dirty political tactics, prepare election calls and to be undemocratic but it’s not ok when the opposition parties do it??

It is time for us to learn from previous generations of activists and take action. Ol’ Stevie wants to be left in peace to enjoy the  Olympics? Let’s not  give him peace. He is counting on issues like climate change and torturegate to go way; let’s keep it alive and well.   I also don’t mean just with our blogs. We have to be more creative than that. Let’s come up with some ideas. Now that we have the internet with such networks like Progressive Bloggers, we can communicate ideas to each other far more easily and quickly amongst ourselves.  Let’s take back our Canada, they we knew it to be before Stevie completely turns this country into a banana republic; a dictatorship; a dictatorship perhaps even mimicking that of General Pinochet era Chile (ok, maybe a bit extreme, but I’ve learned that today’s neo-cons are that  extreme). Yes, today’s Right Slanted Corporatist media provides an unfair advantage for Stevie and the Harpercons, but it doesn’t mean we have to allow them to steamroll over us. It is important to not leave ol’ Stevie in peace. He is already the operation of flushing Canada down there:

Fuck off Stevie! Stay gone this time! Flush yourself down that Conservative toilet why don’t you?

5 comments to Why Harpercons and other Neocons Have a Clear Advantage and Why it Must Change

  • If the Harper party gets a majority of seats in the next election, I can envision Harper passing a “Canada Freedom Act.” All Canadians would be guaranteed the right to live in a free society by punishing those who wish to limit our freedoms. Huh, you’re thinking? Put your minds in an alter-universe and you will understand the concept of the “Canada Freedom Act.” Think about who could be punished.

    A Harper majority would mean that he could limit dissent within his own party–not just amongst his MPs but include all ordinary members too. If you disagree with him, you will be out of the Conservative Party. There will be no dissent in the public service. The CBC could be reduced or eliminated. Other media outlets could lose their independence through tax measures and funding distribution. Speak well of Harper or you will lose any subsidy or tax break.

    We Canadians will lose our freedom of speech. We will have Harper as a dictator.

  • OZs

    Visiting from Indonesia,
    Happy New Year 2010, have a nice day.

  • Akusu

    Wow. That was quite the rant.

    Despite what you may think, deregulation of Crown Corporations had nothing to do with the recession, which we are weathering quite well, I might add.

    Have you heard of the housing bubble south of the border? Do you understand how much damage that did to their economy, and how much ours is tied into theirs?

    The recession is not a catch-all for every complaint you have.

    ck Reply:

    Corporate greed and deregulation of the banking industry south of the border certainly is the largest cause.

    Pretty typical of the right to blame the poor for the recession.

    The only reason we are faring a bit better than the U S is that our banks and such are more regulated. Steve would love to deregulate all. In spite of Georgie and Dickie ruining the economy, Stevie is hell bent on having Bush Era America here. Guess that what greed does; brings insanity; doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

    Are we really doing so well? Have you told this to someone who lost their job after 20 years or so and no chance of them ever getting their job back? Usually somebody too young to retire but too old to start over again due to the youth and beauty worshipping mentality of most employers today??

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