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Bully, Cheat, Hijack, Own the Media, Run Away and When That Don’t Work: Add More Seats–In Con Ridings, No Doubt!

Oh that load of misdeeds from Steve.

Now, Blogging Romper Roomie Frmgrl is now peeing  in her panties from being ga ga giddy, and Norman Spector is as happy as a con who ran over a dog or cat in the poor neighbourhood no doubt over the latest news. Steve wants to add 30 more seats to parliament: 18 in Ontario (who wants to bet none of them are in the 416 area code?), 5 for Alberta (anyone surprised here?) and 7 in BC (also no doubt in con ridings). None, of course, for Quebec and any other province. Gee, anyone wonder why?

I guess that’s why we hadn’t heard a peep out of Gilles Duceppe regarding the new Charest-Bachand budget and the hijacking of our health care system. He was busy protesting this latest Harpercon stunt at Question Period.

Bob Rae and Jack Layton are with this in theory, but they say they must further examine how the electoral map be drawn, as well as other details.

“We’ll have to look at the details of how the seats are allocated. I’m sure there’s some issues that will be raised by some parts of the country, but generally speaking it seems to me that’s an inevitable direction of public policy,” said Rae.

Layton said the government has not consulted with the provinces and recommended the bill be sent to a committee for study “to grapple with some of these complicated issues and work them through and find a solution.”

Why would Layton and Rae even entertain this idea? Everyone knows the Harpercons will draw all those lines on the new electoral map to suit them and only them. They’re willing to sign on to that?

The Uncle Tom of  French Quebec, Christian Paradis,  decided to really get offensive: suggested that if Quebecers wanted to have more MPs, they could make more babies or increase immigration. Ah, it must be nice working to sell out your own province and people, ain’t it Chris??

Well, I think we just got our answer, eh Gilles?  Harpercons really don’t want us in Canada anymore than Gilles wants us to stay.  This little Harpercon stunt is sure to add another case to the list for Quebec sovereignty. Although, it would also seem that Jack Layton is open to offering more seats to Quebec.

Well, now we know Albertan Miss Holstein cow, Frmgrl is all ga ga giddy, probably as sexually stimulated as the day she lost her virginity.

Wow, if Canadians are that much more conservative and if the opposition is really that weak; between revisiting the scrapping of that per vote subsidy and this gerrymandering, why must Steve feel the need to cheat?  Doesn’t that go against your innocent frmgrl values, little girl?

Another thing, little frmgrl, I thought you cons were all about smaller government and less spending. This move is estimated to cost 25 million clams and 30 more MPs with gold plated pensions and 6 figure salaries.  Isn’t that supposed to send you cons shrieking at the moon?

I guess not. Once again, I point out the hypocrisy of the Harpercon cheerleaders as I always do. Frmgrl, a little tip if you ever get to the big city of say, Calgary, get a little help from Depends.

2 comments to Bully, Cheat, Hijack, Own the Media, Run Away and When That Don’t Work: Add More Seats–In Con Ridings, No Doubt!

  • Torymandering worked in Alberta, so Harper doesn’t see a problem with it in the rest of the country. Except that he doesn’t have a majority so it should be harder to pump the majority of those seats into Calgary.

  • This isn’t Harper’s first foray into Torymandering. He had to tuck tail and run when that little bit of dishonesty was exposed for what it was.

    Is this just a new coat of paint? I’d like to know whether or not there’s going to be a consistent formula, current data, and a truly independent oversight body involved.