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If Only Canadians Can Have as Much Passion Over What’s Happening to Them as They do About Hockey

I woke up to the predictable news of looting, vandalism, and rioting in the streets. Cops are still cleaning up Ste-Catherine Street in Downtown Montreal.

Just wait until the playoffs; whether the Habs win or lose, it’s not going to be pretty no matter how well the cops learn from each past mistake and tries to correct it.

While I realize that most of this behavior is juvenile and I certainly don’t condemn this kind of behavior by any stretch of the imagination; I must ask this question: How come Canadians can’t be this passionate and channel all that energy into politics? I mean, it’s about their futures, for the love of gawd. To me, it seems that they care more about what happens to their favourite team and/or least favourite player than they do about themselves, regarding the most important things; will I be able to continue earning a living? Will I be able to access health care for my family and myself? Will we become a nation of Evangelicals waiting while they engineer the end times (wouldn’t it put it past those wingnuts to do just that)? Will be able to retire? If we had at least half that passion, we wouldn’t be living under such scary and uncertain times, or at least, we wouldn’t allow our governments to ‘boil the frog’, in turning Canada into a place we are starting to no longer recognize. More people would come out to vote, thus, not reassuring even a Harpercon minority.

Sorry to die-hard habs fans, but if the NHL were to fold tomorrow, I wouldn’t lose sleep over it. Without hockey, we would still wake up every morning go to work, worry about our families and curse at the latest news. If we wake up one day to a Canada we would no longer recognize, I wonder if all that would be possible?

2 comments to If Only Canadians Can Have as Much Passion Over What’s Happening to Them as They do About Hockey

  • Carl F

    Sister Sage,
    You’re right about the lack of passion for politics. I attribute that to lack of sex appeal and glitz and glamour. Unfortunately Canadians like a lot of other people who are now part of the consumer culture, like things that are compelling and exciting. If Harper were a charismatic man all the things he is doing would either be applauded or condemned; as it is all of this happens below the radar for most people.

    So far we can be thankful that he is only restricted to a minority government. Eventually he will be turfed out, but the question is more not only who will replace him, but whether the things Harpo has brought about of lasting effect? Time will tell. Great blog as usual.

  • Excellent point. I have a number of friends who seem totally focused on sports – excited about it every day, talk about almost nothing but sports every day, but they don’t seem to give a fig about their future, Canada’s future or themselves.