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Steve Sending GG to China

Yes, the GG will have to sit this one out for a day so Steve can control the message and have his pic taken with the queen.   Something tells me that even if the Expo 2010 were held in the U.S. or somewhere else not as far, he would still send her to the other end of the world just to make absolutely certain she wouldn’t be around for Canada Day shindig.

I’m sure he wishes she can stay permanently.

I bet he he’s just counting the days until the new GG Preston Manning or some equally as hideous takes over in September. Wouldn’t be a moment soon enough for his royal highness!

As for that staffer in the PMO office who would have come up with that brilliant idee, yes, Willy, he may well be so excited to have pleased Master Steve so to the point of losing control of his bodily functions, but you know Steve will take the credit for this MEP idea. 

Like most of today’s conservatives, I bet Steve still hasn’t gotten over being forced to share the finger paints with the other kids in his kindergarten class.

2 comments to Steve Sending GG to China

  • Willy

    You are probably right CK.

    Steve has a tendency to take credit for the work of others, like our regulated banking system for example:)

    ck Reply:

    About our regulated banking system…watch Steve completely deregulate it when he gets his majority; why? Because his mentor Georgie Bush did it and greed is the new morality. It’s also an addiction, so that Einstein’s definition of insanity definitely applies here.