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Dodo Can’t Spell, But She’s a Helluva Detective…

Oh yeah! For real! You all remember Blogging SupposiTory Maria S Nunes AKA Dodo? Yanno, the one who likes to drink in order to hate the world going by? Well, I’m surprised Dodo is still sober enough to blog!! Given her last two posts, well…booze might have helped.

Well, Pale, Fern, Filibluster and other ProgBloggers who thought those “Black Bloc” ruffians were agents provocateurs doing the bidding of the police and/or Master Steve, we thought wrong!  Nope! Dodo’s super sleuthing with the help of her long suffering  faithful wingnut element found us all out yet again. Get ready folks! Those Black Bloc were,in reality, the NDP, CUPE & other labour unions, no doubt. To believe is to read and weep.

Dodo sets it up:

I heard on TV yesterday that Olivia Chow was marching with protestors in Toronto. Not one single article from the MSM has the guts to say a simple thing like “Our Labor unions should not have been in the protests. If that huge union crowd of thousands was not on the streets, it would have been easier to notice and catch the violent protestors when they started going wild.” NDP and CUPE should have had the grace to keep out of the protests yesterday, whether peaceful or not. Anybody with a sliver of love for their country would have done so. Instead CUPE and NDP lefties chose to march with the criminals that have gathered in Toronto and in so doing they aligned themselves with anarchists and scum. Hope they are proud of themselves. They have harmed the reputation of Toronto and of Canada.

I had no idea Jack Layton, Olivia Chow and CUPE had so much power as to harm the reputation of Canada. Hasn’t Dreamy Steve done that all by his lonesome?

At the end of post #1 regarding her ‘BFF’ Olivia Chow–Maria S, I’m sure Ms Chow luvs you too by the by:

Even the Police Chief Blair had the audacity to say “our labor protest was peaceful” …. Oh really Chief Blair, how sure are you that nobody from the Labor Unions made up part of  the contingency of the criminals we saw on TV ?    You will have egg on your face for making a statement like that, and so also will Sid Ryan and Jack Layton and Olivia Chow when it comes to light that labor union members and NDP voters were part of the violence too… or will you push that info under the rug. Shame on all of you. Totally disgraceful. None of you speak for me and never will.

Then commenter Blame Crash cinches it up:

The NDP and the Unions are the black clad goons. There’s no doubt about it.

So there you have that, my friends.

Oh and if that weren’t wingnutty enough; take a look at her more recent post. She also says that lefties are badly raised children who were ‘brainwashed’ by lefty teachers. Commenter Yee basically implies we would have been steered ‘right’ if only our parents just spanked us.  Dodo is cheering her on.  As someone who works for social services, dealing with children under 18, should I be concerned about children at risk in the Nunes or Yee households? Plus as mentioned, Dodo’s penchant for drinking to enhance her hatred of the world going by.

I’ve gotta go now. You know us quirky, badly raised lefties, I gotta go practise throwing my thongs at the neighbours so I can soon graduate to molotov cocktails.  Oh, and I’m getting the hang of hand grenades, if not for that dad blasted pin I keep pulling by accident. But Dodo, you do continue to outdo yourself. Must be hard being such a misfit in your own city.

As for my prog blogging friends, we’re just going to have to get up earlier in the morning to outsmart the Dodo and her motley band of ‘friends’; imaginary or otherwise.

I’ll say one thing. Dodo didn’t blame the Libruls…or the Mooslims…Yet!!

6 comments to Dodo Can’t Spell, But She’s a Helluva Detective…

  • “…criminals that have gathered in Toronto..” Which criminals? Someone wasted $1.2 billion taxpayers’ money.

    ck Reply:

    LeDaro, I too read Naomi Klein today and she’s absolutely right.

  • dupmar

    Mary T has added CBC journalists to the ranks of Black Bloc vandals and window smashers, so there you have it, the Black Bloc encompasses a vast conspiracy against the current government including the trade unions, the NDP, the CBC and even the “union-friendly” Toronto Police. Talk about deflecting criticism from the venue chosen for the summit.

    She also argues that Toronto residents are just NIMBY whiners, and that if any Canadian city deserved to be trashed, better it be Toronto.

    Your argument that Black Bloc vandals – these are not protesters but rather saboteurs of legitimate protest – may include police agents provocateurs is not that far-fetched and within the realm of possibility, there is certainly a history of such activity in this country. Allowing such to be the case, CSIS would argue their people are active in such formations merely to monitor their activity, not to promote or indulge in it, but we know from past example how they like to step over the bounds and incite destruction and subversion to justify their existence.

    The argument can certainly be made that if the Black Bloc are not purposely and intentionally agent provocateurs, they do certainly accomplish that function objectively. Following media reports and eyewitness testimony, it would appear police allowed Black Bloc vandals to engage in destruction largely unimpeded, that few actual vandals were arrested while committing their vandalism, but that the police instead netted a few hundred protestors for the most part engaged in legitimate protest, plus a few oddities such as joggers jogging by, and a tourist trying to find his way back to his hotel room.

    ck Reply:

    Sorry Dupmar & Le Daro for publishing your comments so late…I am at work, and sometimes I don’t always have access to my wordpress dashboard or I get too busy (at work, that is) to actually even pay attention to blogs of any kind!

    Dupmar, Yes, Mary T is nothing if not entertaining, isn’t she?

    Another one of them, Russ Campbell is now actually justifying the police state and saying it was up to the protesters or bystanders to leave and it was unthinkable for the many who actually thought to take pictures that would otherwise never see the light of day in the Harpercon media.

    Go; read; it too is entertaining, for the morbidly curious in the same way people chase after train wrecks and fire trucks.

    Further evidence that cons like Russ Campbell, don’t want the truth exposed to them.

    Perhaps if he looked at that picture of yesterday on Spadina & Queen, where folks were literally boxed in; nowhere to run; I’m sure many would have left otherwise.

    And why are folks so surprised by that? I remember being boxed in at an intersection while protesting the Afghan war in 2001 in Downtown Montreal. Had my ankle twisted. And believe me, many of those cops were having fun, I was close enough to see that many were smiling and/or snickering under their visors. Too bad I didn’t have a camera then.

  • Sounds to me like “Yee” wasn’t spanked enough. What a prat.

    ck Reply:

    I guess not.

    Yanno, I was raised by left of center parents (and yes, they both worked! Oops! Leftie positions! high school teacher and a social worker; oh well…), and I do remember having to mind my p ‘s and q s around them; respect my elders and all that; do household chores. Too leftie?