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Why Is Everyone So Surprised? Before Quickly Gulping Steve’s Kool-aid, Stop, and Ask Questions!

I’m also getting sick of anyone who dares try to ask questions, or put any of this in perspective, we would get lambasted for supporting the rogues who caused the vandals. It just plays into that ol’ recycled Bush mantra Steve is now using.  I’m not going to justify my arguments. If you wish to be as narrow minded as to believe that, fine, kool-aid drinker.

Let’s all put things back into perspective. Torontonians lost their city long before the the protesters. Their city, stopped being recognizable the moment it turned into a police state.  The photo below is quite telling. Every police helmet might as well have been emblazened with that horrible Harpercon logo.

All humour and photoshop captions aside, this kind of picture should have and continue to serve as a warning. Stevie Spiteful has an agenda and peaceful protesters or even no protesters were just not a part of it.

Many alarm bells are sounding with me. They have been sounding a long time ago; louder each day.   Hmmm! G20 summit; an event that usually attracts protesters of all stripes; many of whom do go rogue. Condemn those who go rogue, but they’re hardly to blame, now are they? I mean, putting the hootenanny in the downtown core of the biggest city in Canada; one of the largest urban centers in the world, spend over a billion dollars on ‘security’, fake lakes with unicorns flying above and overpriced backdrops for the ego photos; turn this major urban center into a police state; what could go wrong?

Fillibluster asks the same questions I’ve been asking: he also identifies that the Black Bloc seem to have been wearing the same footwear as the cops: Two pics posted over at Fillibluster’s from the Toronto Star seem to have a half decent view of the footwear. Go to Fillibluster’s, look at the pics and judge for yourselves.  Go take a look over at the Toronto Star; some very compelling pictures; gut wrenching some of them.

Before I observed the footwear, I strongly suspected (and now, more than ever) that at least some, if not all, Black Bloc types were agents provocateurs either set up by the police themselves, or even by Harpercons themselves as they do so much to promote Stevie Spiteful’s agenda.

We saw the pictures and videos since yesterday of cops in riot gear on assorted modes of transport, including horseback (and I must question the wisdom of using horses; animals that are easily excitable, even if well trained for normal circumstances for these events).  How was it that so many of those cops couldn’t contain a handful of rogue types from the onset, thus, saving so much damage?

And also, like Fillibluster, with all those cops, how do any of their vehicles or equipment remain unwatched/unsupervised for any length of time?

They couldn’t stop a few rogues but felt free to immediately pounce at anyone of any age or sex or size approaching a fence??

Sounds like a Billion dollars bought multiple Barney Fifes to me.

Were the cops bored from Friday? After all, Friday’s demonstrations appeared to have less protesters than cops and everyone behaved. It wouldn’t be the first time riot police instigated violence. I actually live through such an experience.

Many years ago in Montreal, I protested against the Afghan war. It was peaceful. We were marching, chanting and carrying signs like at any protest. Riot cops lined up at every intersection. They did look pretty bored, until some idiotic kid decided to throw what looked like a tomato or some kind of old fruit at one of the cops’ shields.  A stupid move? Indeed. But just that. Nonetheless, the riot started closing in on an intersection thus preventing the rest of us from marching on.  I was close enough to see that many of those cops were actually smiling behind the visors. I knew it was perhaps time to make a quiet exit, but no such luck, as I turned to leave, that row of cops pushed into us, making me stumble into another group of people. I ended up twisting my ankle and had trouble walking from pain. Another girl simply moved to turn and a cop pepper sprayed her face. Nice. This little sidestep was indeed to prove that yeah, many of these riot cops are indeed over zealous, no matter what folks are protesting or what side of the issue they may or may not be on. By the smiles I saw under the visors, it certainly appeared to me that these demonstrations and the potential for mass arrests and trouble got their juices going;  a reason to wake up in the morning.

It certainly sounds like Toronto under siege to citizens was a playground to many over zealous cops.  Certainly, Friday’s laid back events certainly weren’t going to do it. No the pot would have had to been stirred up on Saturday, and with the acts that were ‘allowed’, many of the arrests and gross abuse of police power that had already begun, escalated.

Then, there’s Stevie Spiteful himself.  I believe that the violence of yesterday went exactly according to his plans; well, perhaps not. Perhaps he was surprised nothing happened on Friday. Steve isn’t stupid. He is a master tactician. Every move he makes, everything he says, right down to which sweater vest he wears for any given photo op is calculated. How else does such an uncharismatic man control the message and much of the media the way he does? Putting the G20 in Toronto was indeed deliberate. If he honestly believed that Toronto was such a great place to hold his overpriced, overrated hootenanny then he would have offered to reimburse residents and businesses who would have sustained any damages due to this shindig, especially since everyone knows that insurance companies don’t cover damages for such events. No, I would say that not only Steve knew of the potential for trouble, but it’s all part of his agenda.

How does all this fall right into Steve’s agenda, you ask? Well, for one, those insipid tough on crime bills as well as those big assed prisons  that would cost more than even the start up costs of the long gun registry.  He can now say, wow! 300 arrests (about what I hear it is now and climbing); nowhere to warehouse them.  Already, many folks are putting the blame squarely on those Black Bloc rogues: Steve feeds into their fears, much like GW Bush did saying that if he could only build his big assed prisons, he hisself could make them feel safe again; and to boot, he would say that the Libruls are too loose on crime. Hell, he could justify his police state this way.

Many on Twitter, including Olivia Chow, no less seem to be either afraid the public will believe & many actually have swallowed that expensive kool-aid that the billion plus dollars spent on that police state and all those cops was actually worth it. The intelligent way to put this is 1 thousand dollars…1 million dollars…1 billion dollars…restriction of human rights…it doesn’t matter what you spend or what draconian measures you take in the name of security; rogues and/or agents provocateurs would never be prevented from setting out to do what they were to do.

Below are some pictures my brother took  of the police state he calls home. I am using posting them with his permission.

Life In Toronto they no longer  knew

“Police Summit”

Anyone recognize their handywork in the windshield of the abandoned streetcar?

Excercising what will surely no longer be democratic right under Master Steve inside a police state

With all the Cops around fully armed, how did they let their vehicles get this damaged?

You can keep up with the rest of today’s events on Twitter using hashtag #g20 or keep up with the Toronto Star’s live blog.

He could kill two birds with one stone. He cuts universal social programs by spending billions upon billions on not only this shindig and accompanying police state, but his tough on crime bills and big assed prisons as well as other potential police state set ups in the future. Funny how easy he can sell that Canada is dangerous for the elderly, but they don’t need pensions or access to health care.

Either way, between the police state having been made out of Toronto and the events that transpired yesterday;  like the first photo at the top of this post, Steve has taken the next step into turning Canada into something we no longer recognize. My only question left would be to those Torontonians who were even entertaining the novelty of voting Harpercon; you still want to let him loose with a majority?

Sidenote: Last night and this morning, he attempts to tell world leaders to cut their deficits in half by 2013 by introducing austerity measures; to cut their programs and raise taxes. Given that he so arrogantly told them he would not participate in a global bank tax, I hope these world leaders will tell Steve where to go. It seems that President Obama, while hated in his own country, still is considered to be one of the cool kids on the world stage and he is telling all not to cut stimulus spending so fast.  Economist Paul Krugman tells us here and here how these austerity measures are not only a bad idea, but could also set off a double dip recession. Other economists like this one share Krugman’s opinion, including this one who says that much of Canada’s economic recovery in the 90s had a lot to do with lucky circumstances likely to not be repeated, and why the UK is drawing a bad example from Canada. Can’t explain this gluttony for self punishment being in vogue really.

Speaking of economy and billion dollar security boondoggles. The picture below should be good for a few laughs, also taken by my brother.

This is self-explanatory, I think, what say you?

With the exception of the 1st photo at the very top of this post; the “You won’t recognize Canada…” one; all photos in this post were taken by my brother, Erik Twight and are subject to copyright. As mentioned above, I am using them with his permission.  Erik has many more G20 boondoggle pics of all kinds here and he tells me he will be uploading more soon.  Also, to see more of his photos in different categories; go to his home page. I will be posting that link to one of the sidebars of   Sister Sage’s Musings sometime today.

5 comments to Why Is Everyone So Surprised? Before Quickly Gulping Steve’s Kool-aid, Stop, and Ask Questions!

  • Carl F

    Canadians are fundamentally a naive and well intentioned people, so therefore find it hard to believe that Harper is planning to go through with his agenda. We are also find it hard to believe that agent provacteurs would attend a demonstration just to destroy it. Yet these things do happen and more often than we would know or like. It’s very easy to condemn the demonstrators as the corporate media has done and to minimize their message and its impact. In the end Harper chose Toronto for the G20 summit so that the maximum of arrests could be carried out. It wouldn’t have nearly as much impact if it occurred in a rural setting.

    Finally it wouldn’t surprise me any if the Black Bloc were agent provacteurs completely. As a Marxist I recognize the necessity of allowing participation by anarchists, but ultimately what is their message and how do they propose to bring it about? Anarchists are “useful idiots” in terms of dealing with the police, but little else. My 2 cents!

    ck Reply:

    Indeed, to argue in the simplest of terms; it is Steve’s fault for stubbornly deciding to hold this shindig in a major urban center’s downtown core to begin with.

  • Here’s the latest on the shoe controversy:

    Thanks for the links to my site as well. For the record, Fillibluster is a she. :)

    Keep up the great work!!!

    ck Reply:

    Oops!! I’m so sorry. The thing about anonymous bloggers with gender neutral names…

    Anytime and thanks for the shoe update.