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Am I Missing Something Here? Steviemania!

Wow! I mean, Wow!  Check the good news, boys n’ girls. The Liberals took another nose dive recently in the polls. They’re now down at around 23%. The Harpercons went up to around 34%. Since the Liberals are so low, and the NDP, the Bloc Quebecois and the Greens remain the same, Master Steve could well get his junta majority.  And naturally, most of the Timmy Horton’s crowd will consider that to be the majority of Canadians. And you know something? They would be right. Given the apathy of most Canadians today who can’t be bothered to go out to vote, they’ve arguably lost their right to be counted.  Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! I’ve heard the spiel from callers on talk radio blasting radio hosts who say “none of ‘em deserve my vote”. Well, one way of  arguing this is that the incumbent sure did; if you didn’t go out to vote to change that, then you must be happy with him. Also, it is a fact that low voter turnout favours the incumbent, here in Canada. So, to me, apathy is synonymous to being pro-King Steve.

So, he tramples democracy (ok, other Prime ministers and other levels of government have been guilty of it for sometime but Stevie spiteful has been accelerating the finishing stomps), wastes money on frivolities like fake lakes and flying unicorns, gives Torontonians (and Canadians who were either in Toronto or who have been keeping track from the day they put up the fences and the police searches began, the closing of Toronto, cancellation of events, and turfing of patients out of hospitals) a taste of a Harpercon utopic police state and Stevie’s numbers still go up.

I have concluded that it really doesn’t matter how wasteful Stevie is as long as there is much human suffering. It doesn’t matter if the police are corrupt as long as there is no dissent.

Steviemania has replaced Trudeaumania.

And yes, certain columnists and prog bloggers can try to rationalize it to either reassure themselves and/or others all they like, but in the end, those are the numbers.  The Harpercons’ gain is squarely at the expense of the Liberals and not at that of the NDP, Bloc or the Greens.

Yes, the G20 debacle will more than likely cost Dalton McGuinty his job sooner or later; one way or another in the end, but the Ontario liberals will probably be replaced by Tim Hudak’s Tories who have adamently come out against a public inquiry or an inquiry of any kind into what happened at the G20.

Many folks are hypocrites when they call the Liberals corrupt when they throw ADSCAM in their faces today. They don’t care about government accountability. In fact, remember Blogging SupposiTory commenter Wilson advocating for government secrecy ?  As long as it’s for the Harpercons, naturally.

They all cry for free speech until a gang a protesters of all stripes voicing their individual and/or collective concerns which are contrary to the Harpercons or the new trend of austerity which nobel prize winning economist, Paul Krugman as well as other economists have already coherently warned against.  Austerity on the backs of the working class and society’s most vulnerable even though the recession was caused by good ol’ fashioned unabashed greed; deregulation of the financial industry in the U.S.  Not because of Greece’s lifestyle.

Lawrence Martin says that Steve’s popularity can be chalked up to his patriotism:

One of the goals Mr. Harper set for himself was to take away the flag from the Liberals, which they had owned since Lester Pearson unveiled it in 1965. Mr. Harper has succeeded splendidly. Helped along by the Olympic Games, he’s done so by embracing traditional Canadian symbols – the military, the monarchy, the North, the sport of hockey.

There’s irony for ya; a George W Bush wannabe who dreams to govern with a cross between the GOP and some kind of  police state favouring some kind of South American Junta or something like it has become Captain Canada. A British royal family is a symbol of Canada. Who knew?

Those who claim we’re fear mongering are the liars; it is they who want all of this horror show for Canada but won’t admit it out loud. Funny, innit? They count on continued apathy. Remember, Steve wants you to not care.  In fact, he counts on it.

And yes, what happened to John Pruyn and the other detainees can also be blamed on Canadian apathy as well as  Steve and his merry band of thieves and batterers.  Commenter Owen Gray reminds us that Steve’s agenda is never hidden and the only reason he’s getting away with it is because of apathy.

What’s sad is that when Steve holds the next election; it will more than likely be the last at least for a very long time; much much longer than four years, and they will still not show up to the polls.

Is this what we’ve been reduced to? We won’t vote unless we have some pretty face who peforms magic tricks and/or dazzle us with super hero stunts? Nothing less will get Steve away from a majority. And yes, given all those numbers; Steve could well get his majority with 34% and with the apathetics who don’t vote; 34% does indeed constitute a majority.

1 comment to Am I Missing Something Here? Steviemania!

  • Brian

    I find the timing between the release of this EKOS poll and Harper threatening an election if the budget bill doesn’t pass the senate somewhat suspicious. I’d like to see a few more polls before I take this one seriously,