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Shorter Lorrie Goldstein On Stevie Spiteful UN Security Council Snub

Yay! Now that we no longer have to play nice with Arabs, other brown people and evul soshalists; we no longer have to try pretending to care about the planet and can continue to build our reputation as the mighty dirty ol’ petrol state.  We can raise our emissions all we like now! Fuck off poor countries, you ain’t sucking money out of us now, you lazy-assed soshalists!  Fuck off world stage!

Yep, Goldstein says make lemonade. Aw, c’mon Lorrie! Don’t hold back, now, tell all your loyal readers with limited skills that you meant to say drink Alberta oil sands–Oiltine, the breakfast drink of Ezzy Levant!

Sidenote: Boy, Lorrie, your columns and those of some of your, AHEM! Some of your Sun Brethren must be pretty bad and trashy: the servers where I work block your columns! Just sayin’…

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