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Are You Kidding Me? Seriously!? Thirty-One Percent!?!

OK, so this is gonna just come right off the top of my head. Holy crap. Are you serious? 31% of Canadians actually AGREE with the government’s line that Iggy thwarted Canada’s UN Security Council seat. What? I just cannot believe it. I’m almost at a loss for words. Almost!! This to me just proves that Harper and his Neo-Cons have already succeeded in dumbing down political discourse in this country. When you can point the finger at the opposition and one third of people believe you, despite all evidence to the contrary, I weep for my country. We don’t need a Sun TV station because we already have the Harper government and apparently, the government is doing their job for them. If I were back in Canada I would want to talk to someone and find out WHY, WHY ON EARTH, they actually believe that any country gives a crap about what the leader of the opposition says. SERIOUSLY PEOPLE, USE YOUR HEADS!

Here, I will make it easy for those of you who feel that Iggy is to blame. Did Iggy remove embassy’s from Africa? No. Did Iggy take aid out of Africa and move it to Latin America to support American hegemony in the region? No. Did Iggy support Israel and call their attack on Lebanon “A measured response?” No. Did Iggy go to Copenhagen and do everything in his power to stop any kind of accord to fight global warming? No. And most ridiculously, did Iggy visit Tim Horton’s instead of the UN General Assembly? No. Harper did all of these things. Harper has consistently turned his back on the UN and the developed world in favor of Bushite Unilateralism. He has turned Canadian diplomacy SHARPLY towards extreme pro-Israel, when Canada has always played a moderating role. He has turned away from Africa, while at the same time saying his government has increased aid (by the way, Harper froze aid in the 2010 budget). So no, you pandering masses, Harper’s team is wrong. Iggy has nothing to do with the decisions of the government of Canada. The sole person to blame for Canada’s current state in the world and the UN’s unilateral turning away from Canada is Harper and the Conservative government.

4 comments to Are You Kidding Me? Seriously!? Thirty-One Percent!?!

  • ck

    Ah, but doncha know it? Iggy’s got that super sonic awesome laser ray gun that has mind altering hypnotic powers!

  • That’s not necessarily that bad. 31% is about the level of loyal CPC voting support. This just means that most of their base heard the first rebuttal and believed it. There are probably some non conservatives who believe as well who just heard the initial kerfufle and didn’t think more about silly a notion it is. Or perhaps they don’t understand how small a country we are and that other nations really don’t pay attention to our internal politics. I wouldn’t read too much into it.

  • 31 percenters. That’s all they are.

  • Not too worry too much. Hey at least they know who Iggy is.