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Roger Ebert takes on Rob Ford … again

I love Roger Ebert. I liked him as a reviewer of movies – he was lucid, thoughtful and never gave away the plot or ending (hear that, Peter Howell). But as a political observer, he is unparalleled. He just devastates everyone and everything in his path. Not with malice but with heart. He lets us decide about the movie or politician or cultural event for ourselves. He just gives us the bare facts. We are left to decide for ourselves.

Here Ebert, once again reveals the obvious so many of us miss – our new everyday Canadian mayor – Rob Ford. Not with words but with this simple video (last sentence added thanks to Yticilef).

OK, OK, we have seen this video a million times. But now look anew at what a foreigner seeing this for the first time would think.

There you go.

2 comments to Roger Ebert takes on Rob Ford … again

  • Yticilef

    Wow. First of all I didn’t hear him call Ford a fat fuck. I think they’re lying.

    Secondly, I’ve never heard Ford speak before, and I can’t get over what a high-pitched and annoying voice he has. It’s like air escaping from a balloon. He is terribly aggressive, obviously he has an anger problem. He blocked his way onto an elevator, which has to constitute some kind of holding misdemeanor. Then he followed him downstairs yelling in that squeaky voice.

    What’s his blood pressure like? Heart?

    I was looking for something from Ebert, but didn’t see it.

    Th-th-that’s all folks!

  • Yticilef

    Okay, I’m sorry – I did not realize that the reporter is Roger Ebert?