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SDA’s Kate Finding it Lonely at The Bottom, Apparently

Wazza matter, KKKatie? Can’t stand it when most of the world is more literate than you are? Yes, boys ‘n’ girls,  the road kill kween over at Small Dead Brain Cells  would like to see universities close. Oh, Katie! For anyone to be at your level of intellect, highschools would have to be closed to.

3 comments to SDA’s Kate Finding it Lonely at The Bottom, Apparently

  • The self-satisfied ignorance and bigotry of those shit-heads disgusts me.

  • Why stop at high schools? Ms. Small Dead Brain Cells stopped before she got to middle school!

    ck Reply:

    Sorry, I keep forgetting you have middle school in ROC; us in Quebec, High school is from gr 7 – gr 11.