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D’uh moment of the day: Conservatives have a large ‘fear centre’ in their brains

Raw Story is reporting what we’ve all known for some time. Conservatives have a rather predominant portion of their brains devoted to fear response. It’s why we have so many conservative-spawned wars, so few actual conservative war fighters, overreactions to pleasure centres, fear of women, fear of new things, fear of the unknown, fear of the undocumented, laws preventing perfectly normal human behaviour and so on.

Sadly, nothing is mentioned of rightbloggers who seem to be at the forefront of the fear-brain-continuum in the great conservatorium of life. These po’ lilly whites live their lives square in the sites the fear factor, ginning up paranoid conspiracies on a daily basis, mostly devoted to scary black folk, Muslim types and of course dirty fuckin’ hippies.

Which is why we as progressives have such a responsibility to bear. It is up to us to bring to light the fear that stalks these people. Blog on my friends and do not think too harshly of our brethren and sistern on the right. They can’t help themselves. (However, mocking is perfectly OK. It seems to stimulate their impulses to display at least some semblance of courage.)

H/T: @AudreyIIETP

3 comments to D’uh moment of the day: Conservatives have a large ‘fear centre’ in their brains

  • Yes. Except about not thinking too harshly of them. They are adults and can go for therapy. I don’t absolve them of their vile, deliberate ignorance. :)

  • What the Jesus said. Most of them are well able to afford a shrink. They have no excuse not to go, except that they want to spread their lunacy around. And given the number of froth-mouthed blogs they spawn, it’s obvious that they’re trying to do just that. Let’s start a mass immunization campaign, based on satire and mockery.

    BTW, that quivering turtle ‘toon is full of win.

    ck Reply:

    Yes, let’s start an insane assylum for this gang of misfits. Complete with rubber walls for them to bounce off of. It is still mind boggling to me that they can still go out in public without a helmet.