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Tuscon Tea Party – will it change its violent rhetoric against Dems? Hell No!

You want to talk about futility! In reaction to today’s horrible events at the end of a madman’s gun, the Tuscon Tea Party expresses no inclination of pulling back on its violent rhetoric, the language of which may have contributed to the death today of six, including a nine-year-old child and almost killing a Congresswoman.

“I think anytime you start suppressing freedom of speech, I think it’s wrong. I live here and I didn’t hear anything [in the 2010 campaign] that concerned me in terms of inciting violence.”

There is an argument that rages on the left of how to approach the violent language and intent of the right. We can’t. They are who we thought they are.

You see, it’s now free speech to kill a child, bystanders and anyone else who gets in yer way. It’s the American way. Coming soon to Canada.

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