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Why am I not moved by all the shit going down around the Conservatives these days?

I’ve been blogging about American politics lately more than usual. I wonder why. Then I look at the polls here in my country. They are unmoved by the corruption, the spendthriftery and the incompetence of the leading party.

I dare not watch hockey any more. All those ads exclusively from one party disturb me too much. I try to read newspapers but everything I read seems bought and paid for by the minority-in-charge party.

I walk down the street and see people whistling in the wind. Life’s good. Paul Martin helped make it so but who would know? There’s no one to tell them about the Liberal history of economic prudence and why we are all so well off now in the midst of a worldwide collapse.

Lately I wonder about this country. I wonder why one party has all the money. I wonder why one party has all the power. I wonder why nobody on the side of the people fights back.

I guess I do a lot of wondering these days.

Did you hear the Liberals made two new fancy ads? Cool.

What? They’re not going to be shown on TV?


Wait. Look! There’s a shivering dog tending to another in Japan! Ahhhh…

1 comment to Why am I not moved by all the shit going down around the Conservatives these days?

  • Linda

    I just hope all the crap coming down on the Conservatives, gets rid of Harper. Campbell works for Harper, they have a very close relationship, and, the same type of personality.

    We are not moved by all of the Conservatives shit, because, we are so used to lies, deceit and corruption, it doesn’t even phase us any more. At least the BC people are used to corruption, because, of Campbell and the BC Liberal crime family.

    Canada is in a lot of danger with, Harper at the helm. BC people will not forget his part in the HST, come Federal Election time.