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Ageism, Conservative style

For a party whose base is made up of older Canadians, I don’t suppose it will seem odd to anyone on the right that Shelly Glover insulted all senior people by attacking 68-year-old MP Anita Neville. They certainly don’t mind insulting minorities, when the great majority of immigrants are Conservative backers. I suppose there’s a kind of feeling of being immune to any consequences to anything they say or do. It seems for the most part to be working. Thankfully, CARP is not amused with Glover’s latest insult.

TORONTO, ON: CARP is calling on MP Shelly Glover [St Boniface] to withdraw her ageist remarks directed at MP Anita Neville [Winnipeg-South Centre] and apologize to all older voters. Ms Glover is described in the media as suggesting that the 68 year old Neville needs to be replaced by someone younger and is quoted as saying: “We need some fresh blood we need some new people who have some new ideas and who are willing to stand up for their constituents. And I’m afraid Ms. Neville has passed her expiry date.”

“Ageism seems to be the final frontier of acceptable discrimination. Even when all the parties are actively wooing older voters, a sitting MP thinks this is appropriate. It wasn’t that long ago that women could not vote let alone run for office. So it’s doubly disappointing that Ms Glover chose to attack in this way another woman who’s not even in her riding. How long will it take for this to stop?” said Susan Eng, VP Advocacy for CARP.

H/T: Sister Sage

Cross posted at Let Freedom Rain

5 comments to Ageism, Conservative style

  • sm

    I bet Anita knows who Tom Flanagan is.

  • Torontonian

    All I know about Ms Glover is her long-gun registry speaking tour fiasco of last year. I’ve seen her stand
    in the House and make statements that must have been written for her because I don’t think she can spontaneously marshal her thoughts and stand at the same time.

    Better less of Glover and more of Neville.

    Now about Patsy Gallant . . . . she’s another Conservative I’d love to see the back of.

    How does the party select their women? I can’t believe the calibre of them.

  • Linda

    That was really a, Conservative style low blow to seniors. Ms. Glover needs to be reminded, everyone eventually becomes a senior.

    Senior still pay taxes, do volunteer work, run hospital auxiliary gift shops, assist patients, taking them to their destination. Work in food banks. I haven’t listed everything. However, I don’t think we are that useless.

    I suggest, Ms. Glover is the brainless, useless person. More than ever, there is good reason, to not vote Conservative. It seems, Harper’s arrogance has contaminated the party.

    ck Reply:

    Let’s not forget they run for office and win and have nice long political careers. I wonder if Glover would say the same about Julian Fantino?

  • Torontonian

    I committed an error in my earlier comment.

    Ms Gallant’s first name is Cheryl.

    Apologies to the vocalist Patsy Gallant.
    No harm to her reputation was intended.