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Well, Corporate Media, How Well Has Cheerleading For Stevie And The Harpercons Worked For Ya?

I must disclose that, of course I don’t mean every journo or columnist, many do do good work, but many of my readers know who I am talking about.

All last week, we’ve read the columns, heard from journos how Stevie either keeps the jouros behind caged enclosures, limits them to five or less questions per day, incognito candidates, yanno, just basically not having access to the puppet master himself.  Even Sun Media isn’t amused

Got a news flash.  Most don’t care. In fact, most think you have a ‘Liberal’ bias anyway.  No, I really have no sympathy for you.  Tip-toing around Steve and his flunkies. Praise. Even when he screws up, only precious few have the gall to criticize him, but doesn’t nearly go far enough. Even the CBC’s Peter Mansbridge or Evan Solomon appear to be reluctant to ask Harpercons the hard questions.

Perhaps you should take a lesson from the media folks who cover politics in India (from what I’ve read about Political coverage in India, political drama is far more interesting) . Hell, it would probably serve democracy even better. Either way, try being more edgy. Don’t be afraid of going after Steve and his minions–being nice didn’t get you anywhere, after all.

Want to know another reason why I don’t sympathize with most of the corporate media? Because  something tells me that ,  like in 2008, they will likely endorse Stevie and the Harpercons again this election.

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