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The Harper Song

The Harper Song (I couldn’t figure out how to embed it, please follow the link for now.) By John Roby.

After watching yesterday’s debates, I think we can all agree that Steven Harper isn’t human at all, much less Prime Ministerial.  Yet the Mainstream Press continue to refuse to state the obvious.  The Emperor is not only naked, he’s lying.  His caucus is lying.  His staffers are lying.  Everyone in Canada knows this fact and yet, to the Press it remains the Elephant in the room.

Harper looked like an ass talking to the camera in his blue sweater voice.  He didn’t even have the balls to face his opponents, look them in the eye and engage in debate.  He repeated his talking points over and over and took turns playing Uncle Stevie and the poor bullied kid who just wants everyone to get along.  What a crock of shit that was.  The glasses were merely a prop to obscure those beady little eyes, enlarge them a little, make him look a little vulnerable.

Now is the time for the push.  Anyone you know who is on the fence, or considering sitting this one out, play them this song.  And then show them this post, by Norm Farrell at Northern Insights.  Or The Gazetteer, here.  There are so many reasons to vote right now, and all of them involve our future ability to self determination, soveriegnty and the ability to look our grandchildren in the eye and tell them that we were here for them when the fascists came to take away their inheritance and that we didn’t let it happen on our watch!

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