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L Ian MacDonald’s Logic Is Mind Boggling–For the Last Time This Election is on Your Buddy Steve and Only Steve

Yes, include L Ian MacDonald amongst the Harpercon media cheerleaders cheering for Jack today.  Like others before him, he, too, doesn’t see any threat to his precious Steve getting a majority.

He’s all ga ga giddy about Steve getting his majority now. Of course, why wouldn’t he be?

However, there is a sticking point in today’s sludge.  Something that defies logic.

From contempt of Parliament to health care, none of the Liberal arguments is a ballot question. That’s because Iggy and the Liberals brought on an election the voters didn’t want. Which is why they’re losing.

Never mind that L Ian is one of the many who is apparently more than willing to overlook and forgive Harpercon transgressions in pursuit of  Harper’s neo-con utopic Canada.  Like his Harpercon friends, if Liberals were guilty of contempt of parliament, he’d be, more than likely,  all over them like a cheap suit.  Oh the hypocrisy is just stunning here.  Likewise, if the Harpercons were guilty of ADSCAM and let’s face it, some of their recent transgressions like the G8-Tony Clement pork barreling scam is pretty ADSCAM-ish,  he’d probably give them a free ride too.

More despicable,  by using that term “unwanted” election again, he is showing the typical Harpercon disdain for democracy.  Never mind that people on the other side of the world are risking life and limb and yes, dying for this basic right.   Perhaps he enjoyed the 2009 Harpercon by-election slogan of “de l’action; pas d’election!”  I wonder if L Ian would be happy to never ever see an election again? Probably, as long as Steve is everybody’s daddy.

Then, there’s the mind boggling logic of  what he said above. Uh, L Ian, Iggy didn’t bring on the election. All Steve had to do was play by the rules, be accountable as he promised to be in 2006,  and correct himself when the speaker ruled that parliament ruled against him weeks before. 

He wouldn’t have turned just about every motion or piece of legistlation into a confidence motion.

Furthermore, if Steve really wanted parliament to work, he’d have played well with others.   He would’ve been more compromising.  Most of all, if he really wanted parliament to work, he wouldn’t have appointed the rabid pitbull John Baird.  Perhaps the more reasonable Michael Chong would’ve been a better choice for a more functional parliament.

Now, for mind defying  logic,  if you really want to continue blaming Iggy for this election, consider this, Iggy couldn’t have brought down the government without help.  That’s right! He had help from Gilles and your new buddy/enabler Jack!  You would do well to remember that.

A Harpercon majority is becoming more of a reality and L Ian is just the beginning of bad winners we’re about to see.  I have a feeling that the Don Cherry circus that we saw at Rob Ford’s inaugural will be nothing compared to Stevie Spiteful’s next swearing in freak show.

Do stay classy, L Ian!

1 comment to L Ian MacDonald’s Logic Is Mind Boggling–For the Last Time This Election is on Your Buddy Steve and Only Steve

  • AlisonS

    You are doing well to actually read L. Ian MacDonald’s swill. He is first and foremost a Con shill and logic is something he knows nothing about. On the other hand, he is very well versed in pretzel thinking.